Sunday, August 03, 2008

The Internet is Magic

Winnie (who drunk dialed me last night around midnight -- and btw -- I was NOT asleep -- I simply was avoiding antics, sorry, love you --- and another btw, the content of the message was pretty much limited to informing me about various post-drinking activities, so umm, thanks) -- told me I needed to blog. And I told him I had no good material. Not really true, b/c, if you read the majority of my posts, I wouldn't say that lack of good material has really ever stopped me before... But anyway, then he started babbling about "I wonder what life was like before computers..." and I thought, "hmm, so I do I. That's it! A blog entry." And then someone in reference to something or other was like, "the Internet is magic," and I had a name for it and everything.

So if you step back and take a look at what you do one any given day that relates to computers, it becomes apparent that your life would indeed be a much different entity sans Internet. For me, I think of it in different terms.

First, I'd def be more productive net/net, sans Internet:
-- I wouldn't have spent 15 minutes examining information re: this girl Margaret that I was friends in high school but haven't talked to in about 10 years. You see, she found me on Facebook. And that becomes grounds to let your curiosity run wild: What HAS she been doing for 10 years? I'm DYING to know! What is her relationship status? This is very important! How does she look in pictures? Can't spend another minute not knowing! And btw, if you're judging? Stop. I know you all do it. I left a housewarming party this afternoon, and a girl I met who wants to drinks sometime didn't ask for my number...but rather confirmed my last she too can waste time...on Facebook.

In other ways, it would be, less flavorful:
-- I spent another 10-15 min this evening looking up the recipe for Benihana salad dressing. Yes, I said Benihana. Although some people, indeed some quite close to me, might call this a trashy restaurant destination, I did grow up in Indianapolis where pickin's are slim, and for some people, such as say, my brother, this was as good as eatin' got. And hence every March 22nd in my youth, you could find me there, celebrating Greggy's birthday. Anyway, point being, Google Benihana salad dressing and you pull up an extensive list of copycat recipes. I went w/ the one sourced from the Chicago Sun-Times. And I'll be making it very, very soon! Thank you, Internet, for enhancing my culinary life!

It would also be less connected and more laborious from a social standpoint:
-- I wrote an email to SV this morning that in my book was a bit overdue, just to catch her up on life including our recently discovered mutual connections, and in 10 min was able to write down what would've taken probably three times as much time on the phone. Of course, it's undoubtedly less personal...yes, I'll give it that. But hey, efficiency! me? Also got in touch w/ Rainer and Mari re: dinner this week -- Raine lives in NYC and Mari is somewhere in Europe I think, in fact, I don't even know, so this whole email think really expedited the planning process here and I'd say, enriched my social planning abilities. Thank you, Internet!

It would be less musical, and less 'teen:
In days of yonder, to obtain the latest and greatest pop hit, I'd have to make a trip ALL the WAY to Target or Best Buy to purchase a CD. Now, if I have the urge to listen to say, Bleeding Love, 7 times in a row, all I have to do is head to iTunes and pick up a copy. Quick quick quick! And I lost both the car ride and the plastic case that will eventually end up in landfill and turn into methane gas, so....I reduced my carbon footprint. Don't say I don't think about the environment!

I think from here the next logical point to move onto would involve work. But, that bores me, so I think, I'll just go w/ what I've got here. Oh! And btw -- pre-Internet, you never would've been able to even READ this! Hmm. You can interpret that, its benefits, its drawbacks, as you wish... But hey, just another piece of hay on the haystack... Who even says that anyway? As far as I see it? Quality of life: improved! Plus my MacBook sure is pretty. I conclude that indeed, the Internet sure is magic, and I'll stick w/ a computer-filled life.