Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Greetings from the 1-3-7

Totally writing from my new house. Sitting on the floor as we have no furniture. It's funny. B/c in LA I was sleeping on the couch b/c I had no bed. But at least we had a couch I could sit on when we watched tv. Here, I'm sleeping in a bed (Eliz's), b/c there is no couch to sleep on. Or a tv to watch. Or, tables to eat off of. So that's kind of conundrum-ish right? But I guess that tomorrow our furniture is arriving so this is allllllll about to change.

It's also conundrum-ish, I might add, that our movers are coming on the 4th of July. It's like the birthday of America. And yet, no break for those moving men. If I were them, I'd revolt. But then again, I revolt frequently, at least frequently enough to develop nemeses, that's plural for nemesis, but actually I don't really have multiple, just one, recently developed - I just wanted to use the plural form as it's kind of more fun in ways I can't explain. BTW, if you're reading this there's an estimated 25-30% chance that you've heard about this development of my, I'll say it one more time, nemesis. I'll spare rehashing the story for the 83rd time (yes, I'm pretty much telling everyone simply b/c I can and b/c I want to), I just pretty much wanted to sneak in the fact that I have a nemesis somewhere on this blog.

So my apt is pretty much amazing. It's rather empty and barren right now save for Eliz's room as she's lived here a couple weeks, but that's soon to change. It's huge, and it's beautiful, and it's on the cutest little street ever. I'm in love with it and can't wait to start decorating.

As for the ride up here, it blew. Nothing but hot, barren, creepy desert and mountains that reminded me of The Hills Have Eyes. I was waiting for my car to break down and for mutant things to come out and try to eat my face. Or something. Not really. It was the middle of the day, but what harm does a little drama do? Thanks to those who entertained me via the Cingular/AT&T network. It kept me alive. Literally. I have like a 5 hour tolerance for driving alone and then I start to fall asleep and I had to go over 6 hours.

It would've been right at six hours except I got lost when I got into the city. This city is a rotten
mess down in the Southeast area. The streets don't damn connect or go through and you can't make left turns when you need to or right turns when you need to and it's all damn hills. Huge hills. Huge frightening hills. Do you know what I had to do? Call some kid that is friends w/ Eliz that I don't know and have him navigate me via his GPS system. Wow. I have this sinking feeling that I'm liable to get lost at least 103 more times in the next several months alone, and kids, I have a two year lease so I'm locked into this city for at least that long.

Anyhoo...so that is that. I just had to write from new locale. And, for the record, haters, it's like so not cold here. This evening weather is just slightly below LA's evening weather, and it was marvelously sunny when I drove in this evening. So, HA! I win.

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