Monday, July 02, 2007

I'm just looking at my pictures and wondering if it gets any classier

BSchool wedding number three last night. I’d like to extend a warm welcome to Clif and Wai Mei for selecting such excellent timing for their wedding as it made for a most wonderful au revoir celebration for all. Of course, I’m sure that this was the number one criteria for selecting a wedding date.

I think there would be several other thank yous in order from our friends to the couple:

--Jen Y would like to say thanks for the cute little place card holder deals. She was fortunately able to collect all 12. Congratulations.

--Sauj would probably give a hearty thanks for the lottery ticket as she won either another lottery ticket, or $23. Either way she won, so it’s a good deal. Then she snuck out the back door to go do some stuff with some people some where.

--Nate says thanks for the wine. He chugged, in all, I’d estimate somewhere b/t 37 and 42 glasses.

--SV says thanks a lot too. Not at all sarcastically.

--Me, personally, I say thank you for the In and Out burgers served late night. There is nothing like spending a day at the beach in a new bikini after eating a steak in addition to 2 entire In and Outs.

I’d like to say that my favorite part of weddings is the beautiful union, or the fact that you get to chill for hours with your friends. Maybe the dancing. Perhaps the open bar. Unfortunately, I frequently side with the food. The ceremony last night, which overlooked the ocean and was virtually perfect, was awesome. But my thoughts were mostly focused on the post-ceremony, pre-dinner hour that is dominated by cocktail foods. After several rounds of the best hors d’oeuvres bypassed us (including the mini crab cakes and lobster tacos), we strategically positioned ourselves at the front of the stairs so the waiters would have to pass us first. This only backfired when the waiters began to bypass us. Not joking. They seriously carried the tuna tartars through the bushes to avoid the likes of us.

It was ok in the end. We turned to conversation as entertainment as Tracy enlightened us with tales of weddings where bathmats mark the altar and a lone buck of KFC supports the reception.

At the evening’s end a bunch of us had a big old fashioned sleepover party at Ritu’s apt. There was drawing on people’s faces and I believe some puking, which clearly demonstrates maturity. Stu and I were delighted when the slumber party ended around 7:30am with the arrival of Ritu’s movers. Darling, thank you for the heads up. Kidding. Anything that gets me off of my couch and into a bed works for me.

Unfortunately, I think that I’m on the couch once again tonight. It’s ok though, I’m at least going to bed really, really tan thanks to beach day w/ the Veeve in Malibu today, which is more than I can say I’ll be doing when I go to bed in an actual bed in SF as a pasty little hippie chick. Just kidding. I’ll never turn hippie.

Anyway, I love weddings!!!!

Clif and Wai Mei: congrats J

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