Sunday, September 09, 2007

City adventure #2,068

Well not really, that would be insane. But it's starting to feel like, just a little bit. Yesterday I was heading to my car from the corner store, so I was walking down Central and past my house. I happened to notice, just 3 stoops down from my own, a character with his pants down, relieving himself on the wall of the doorstoop. I was unsure if he was #1ing or #2ing (like it would really make the situation any better).

Today, returning to my home after running an errand, I confirmed that he had indeed been #2ing. So basically what I'm saying is that at 11:30am on a Saturday, a man was defecating in broad daylight on a busy city block. I also happened to be on the phone w/ my Dad back in the sweet old Midwest yesterday when said event occurred, so I was like, "oh, hey dad! guess what! some guy is going to the bathroom on my next door neighbor's house! neat." It didn't really phase him. I guess by now my dad is pretty like, well, you picked your house. You live in a city...such is life.

The day before, at my bus stop downtown, there were hair extensions all over the ground, a guy waiting for my bus was wearing one of those anklets they give you when you're on parole. You know, those electronic monitoring devices. My friend Meg was talking yday about how she does fairly well financially, but for her zip code she likely is on the low end. She indicated that I probably was too. I told her I begged to differ.

To end this: I have one completley unrelated question: don't you think it's weird if you're one girl out w/ 5 other single girls and two older, married men come over and chat you up for over an hour? And wouldn't you be pissed if you were the wives of said dude? Just a casual observation related to my night last night. To answer my own question, I, would be pissed if I were one of said wives.

Anyhoo, I hope no one shits on your house today! The end.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No one poos in the public in the marina