Wednesday, February 13, 2008

A brief 2 weeks in review...

I am typing my very first entry from my own brand new MacBook.  It's a stunning, delicious work of art that, as I told Saujin earlier tonight (sorry I cut out; was figuring stuff out on this little toy), makes me want to weep.

But, you ask, why do I have a new computer? 

The answer lies somewhere in three life-altering events that all happened within the past 1.5 weeks: 
1)  I got robbed
2) 2 days later my car got hit (while parked)
3) I went to Mideivel Times 

I'll leave it to you to figure out which of those events (and for the record, they weren't really all that life-altering, not at all actually, and particularly number 3, it def wasn't life-altering...well I don't know, maybe just a little bit it was) was the one that leads me typing on a new MacBook.

Ok, fine, I'll help!  It was #1.  

See, ever since that whole failure on my part to pay it forward in a timely enough manner, my karmic balance has been totally out of whack.  That at least is my theory. I encourage you all to do what you can to keep your own karma in check, b/c it's a powerful thing, and a bitch, clearly. 

As far as the robbery goes, I discovered it two Fridays ago...came home from work and had been home for 1/2 hour or so before I went to turn on my old iPod and discovered that she wasn't there.  After verifying with Eliz that she did not borrow it, nor did I borrow hers, and then noticing my shitty old computer's absence, and then the absence of several necklaces, it became quite clear that some shithead invaded our sanctuary and took our stuff.  Bastard.  If I ever find that guy, I will bash him.  And, to answer your question:  he got in through the back door that leads out of our kitchen and down to our fenced-in patio, and likely, through an unlocked door, b/c we are occasionally idiots. 

The good news is that I had renter's insurance and voila!  New computer, new iPod, easy peasy. 

Anyway just really wanted to try out this keyboard here.  It's pretty much my bedtime now.  

The end. 

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