Thursday, July 30, 2009

Don't worry -- no one got hurt!

Last night, returning home from Rehana's something...not so good happened.  I will preface this by remarking that this drive must be in some way cursed, as I've been pulled over on that same drive before, the same night when I chopped a piece of my finger off while cutting bell peppers, which reallllly made for an excellent night.  Anyway, so I was driving home, and pulling up to a red light on Masonic, when a little dude on a motorcycle came up on my left, crossing over the double yellows into the oncoming traffic lane (is that legal?) and coming to rest by the upper left side of my car.  

The light turned, and he went, and I went, but then...he stalled, and it was like slow motion and then before I could really tell what was happening, I had, I suppose, hit him.  And then, down he went.  I slammed the car in park, ran out, threw up my hands, apologized profusely, and fell to checking out if he was ok.  A minute passed where he really said not much of anything, just continued to check his bike and ponder his ok-ness, and then he crossed to the side of the street and I pulled my car over.  He kinda pulled up his pant legs, checked his legs, his arms, checked his bike (it worked, no damage) -- and he was totally fine, and then mumbled he was fine...and off he drove.  And that was it.  The luck Gods were certainly smiling down on me...

I came home, and raced into the living room, and was like, "Stu!  You won't even believe what happened to me!  I hit a guy on a motorcycle!  It was the scariest moment of my life!"

Her response (unexpected to say in the least):  "Oh my G_d! Did I tell you what I did last week?!  I hit a guy on a bicycle!"

"Umm...But, you don't own a car!"

I guess she hit the guy getting out of a taxi, with the cab door...The cyclist flipped his shit, the cyclist behind him bitched her out, and the cyclist behind HIM pounded on the cab.  She then encountered a homeless guy who told her to spread the word to all the white people that he hated white people.  I know that's unrelated, but what a sequence of events.  Sheesh. 

So there you have it:  two girls, living in same house, hitting two guys, on two two-wheeled vehicles, less than a week apart. With no injuries, no damage.  What are the odds?  

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