Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Yes, actually, it was pretty weird...

I recently received an email from a male friend, who shall rename nameless in an effort to protect his, well I’m not sure what it’s protecting, I don’t think it’s necessarily masculinity, or reputation, but I do think the element of anonymity will end up serving as a benefit to this fellow.

At any rate, the email was entirely devoted to questions regarding female eye make usage and application habits.  I suppose this email was directed my way as at one time I was pretty handy with a couple of eye shadow application devices and several pots of color – my evening looks for a while could be described as colorful, perhaps over the top, certainly dramatic.  But I like to think, still tasteful.  I still do remember one of my first interactions with Doempke, which involved him complimenting my eye makeup.  So I that respect, I guess I have some expertise in the area of eye makeup knowhow given that I don’t wear it so badly myself.

I still found it a super bizarre experience to write an entire email back to a dude concerning my opinions and perspectives on good eye makeup application.  It was clear that the questions were being asked as the dude in question had encountered a lady friend whose taste in eye makeup bordered on the what can only be called bad – apparently pink eye makeup taken all the way up to the brow bone (which reminds me of pink eye in a major way).  

But what I’m wondering, is what is the recipient of my thoughts going to DO with the opinions I provided back to him.  I don’t think that most women would take kindly to a male friend giving them advice re: their makeup habits – it would be like telling a girl that her recent bangs-inclusive haircut doesn’t look good (something that another guy friend wanted to tell a colleague recently – I strongly recommended against this course of action…) – and both comments I’m sure would not go over well with the woman.  I’m just wondering what kind of girl lets her friend go around looking like she has a terrible case of conjunctivitis?  And apparently this is a daytime look, no less.  This is a reason we have girl friends – they give you the honest advice that strangers, and typically, male acquaintances, won’t provide.  Although perhaps in some cases…they apparently will.

 It does make you wonder though how many guys have seen you and passed some sort of judgment on an aspect of your grooming that you as a woman would’ve guessed no man would ever notice… and if they then sent off an email to a lady friend inquiring about the proper course of action to take…which inevitably was nothing.  An odd thought…  In closing – anonymous male, I think I told you on the weird scale it was only like a 5 out of 10, now that I’m getting more thoughtful on the whole episode, I’m thinking it might’ve been more a 7 or 8.  Readers (if there are any of you left given how delinquent I’ve been), feel free to share your own thoughts re: weirdness level.  

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