Monday, May 29, 2006

Don't Disturb My Peace

I moved to CA right? And I think nothing is more CA than giving Yoga a try. Plus the place I was intro’ed to is “donations-based” which means you don’t technically even have to pay. Don’t worry, I donate. I use the student-rate.

Anyway. I have gone a bunch of times and I am starting to like it. It’s v. relaxing. Plus I do this power yoga thing so I sweat my rear off for two hours. The only downfall there is that you start sliding around your mat. So watch out for that, and bring a towel.

That is not the only suggestion I have. Last time I went, I had the pleasure of being next to (and you are in a room w/ literally like 70 people so you are VERY close next to your little neighbors) this particular guy which made me think of a few suggestions for those new to yoga:

1) Pay attention to your bodily functions: yoga teaches you awareness – of you movements, breathing, self-perception, etc. So I think you should be particularly aware of your bodily functions, and control them too. Like burping. If you continuously burp super loud in a v. quiet environment, you will gross others out. so don’t.

2) Wear deodorant: again – yoga might fool you. You may think you won’t sweat a lot. But I bet you will. And if you do, there’s a good chance you will smell, too – which is unpleasant for those around you.

3) Remember that you are doing YOGA. And even if it’s power yoga, the key is still to create a sense of peace and calm within yourself, and this extends to preserving the peace and calm that those with you are trying to achieve. Challenging yourself is good – but doing one-armed push-ups and stuff that makes you grunt and groan I think is a bit much, mostly b/c it’s really really super annoying to those that have to listen to your groans and grunts. Plus there is enough weird orgasmic breathing going on, so just leave it at that.

If you know me you know that I’m not the most discrete person and my facial expressions can be kind of blunt. So I bet that my facial expressions during this class probably gave away my annoyance. Which I was ok with…until then end of class when I discovered that this sweaty, burpy, groany/grunter next to me was actually the instructor’s brother. It’s probably a good thing that I have taken a bit of a hiatus from the instructor’s class since this incident. Anyway, doesn’t stop me from writing about this guy…

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