Saturday, June 02, 2007

Awkward times three. Wow.

Guess what guess what! I never have celeb sightings. Well I do sometimes, but very rarely, and they usually suck anyway. Or when they're good, like Brucey W, I f them up by acting a fool.

Well, well, well. I had a good one today! Was at Polish, my nail salon of choice, getting the little guys painted pink, and in walked Kristin Davis, everyone's fav Sex and the City character (Charlotte). Yes, she is as pretty in person as she is on tv. She was also carrying the cutest little bag, it was a bright violet suede w/ a chain strap. I tried to see the designer but couldn't make it out. Her voice is quite distinctive, and this is coming from me, so mind you I KNOW distinctive voices. She kept her sunglasses on the whole time. This I find slightly off. I guess they have to do it for some reason or another...whatever...but sunglasses or not it totally does nothing to disguise her. In fact, it makes her stand out more.

But anyway. Before my sighting and after my yoga, I had awkward moment #3 of the weekend. I was just saying the other day how bad things come in threes, so thank G_d that was #3, but honestly, I feel cursed. The first was Thursday night. I won't go into the details, but rest assured, it was tremendously awkward. Awkward moment #2 was last night. It was cute. We both ignored each other for like 30 minutes. Finally I said hi. Response: "Oh, hey there!" Said in a way of surprise, like, oh, hey, didn't see you there! Really? We've been with our friends and within 10 feet of one another for the past 30 minutes, and I also noticed you eyeing me down earlier, but yes, sure, if you'd like to otherwise pretend you just now noticed my presence, you do that kiddo. As for #3, too much effort to go into that for now.

As for how I manage to create situations that eventually lead to awkwardness...well, I'm not sure how it reflects on me. I'd prefer just to ignore it and pretend it actually is not consequences to any actions I've done, but rather just some sort of bad luck or something. And that makes me feel better.

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