Monday, June 18, 2007

Congratulations on Graduating...Again.

That's what the robe-people told a friend when she went to pick up her gown.

Anyway. Well there you have it. That is me there, in the MASTER'S robe. It's fancier than your avg Bachelor's robe. It has these wingy-style sleeves and stuff. Also got to wear a hood. That was neat I suppose. Want to know the history behind this photo? I apparently told Dick and Jane to wait for me in the audience section and that I'd come get them after the ceremony, but I forgot, I guess. So I headed up to the reception, held at my school, and went to drop off my robe b/c it sucked to wear. Then I waited for D&J to follow the huge mass of people to the reception. And I waited. Waited some more. Then I got a little nervous for them so I went back.

Jane was sitting shivering in her dress looking about to cry. Dick had run off to find me. He was up the Jaans (sp?) Steps with all the undergrads. Why the hell he went up there to find me, instead of following the entire MBA population, I have no idea. But I was in t-r-o-u-b-l-e. I had left Jane, she was almost in tears. I had removed my robe. Didn't I know they'd want a pic with me in my robe? Not a good scene. So eventually I found a kind classmate, who happens to be a 6 foot tall boy, and borrowed his costume, and dressed quickly for this lovely pic. And that, my dears, is the story of this pic.

The rest of the weekend, I served as a concierge, social director, and chauffeur. I feel bad saying it, but it was rather nice not having the little Greggy around. That trek out to south central really is unpleasant. We got to cut down our car time a bit w/out him around. Although the drive to my friend's parents' house in Encino, of Encino Man fame, kind of made up for that. BTW, I want to thank my friends for pointing out that they, too, are unable to hear me on the phone as I talk too quickly, and that I have no sense of direction and am prone to getting lost. You guys are really great friends. I'll be sure to hype up your faults to your parents next time we're all together.

I do have to say, I picked great restaurants for the weekend. Melisse and Cobra's both went over tremendously well. I have a question: when I'm really enjoying food, do I kind of make an orgasmic face where my eyes are half closed and almost roll back a bit? B/c I think my mom does. And it really concerned me. B/c we're related, you know, and you can pick up tendencies. Sort of reminds me about that time I emailed the FEMBA listserv about food v. sex. Anyway.

Now it's Monday. I woke up at 10, well really I woke up at 9 but as I had nothing to do, really, I stayed in bed another hour. I then looked through approximately 8 years of photos as I decided which albums will be moving to SF with me and which are headed home to Indy. I currently have accumulated 5 bags of clothing headed for Goodwill, and I have stack of shoes and bags covering my floor that will go as well. My calendar is empty save for the evenings which are blocked off for various dinners.

Well then, I'm off to run errands. I actually do need to start packing this place up :( If anyone has seen my past two years, please let them know I said hello, and that I wonder where they went so fast.

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