Saturday, December 09, 2006

Once a victim, twice a victim

Don't you hate when you set personal rules for yourself and then they get in the way of stuff you really want to do? Like, I have a rule that I will NOT ever blog about my personal/intimate/dating life. I need to maintain some air of mystery... But then, I just exchanged/heard an awesome, awesome story, and I totally want to write it, but if I did, it would violate this rule. So, alas, I cannot do it. But know this: it will kill me softly, for at least another hour or two.

Anyway, so I think someone is out to get me. You may recall that a few weeks ago, I got f'in egged. Egg, all over the back of this one black jacket of mine. A jacket that I happened to wear again last night - it's back from the dry cleaner and all better. (Side note on the black jacket: it's a very fine gauge corduroy, but something about i t makes it looks really super soft I guess even though it's really not b/c people were touching it all night last night). So, I am at this party in SMon. The party was awesome as I got to eat a lot of freshly grilled meat with my hands, drink very fruit-packed sangria, and play flip cup on a kitchen counter top.

But then we leave and head to a bar, and I shit you not, I packed 10 people in the Honda. Safety first guys, safety first. Anyway, I am approaching my car and I see something all up on my driver side window. As I get closer, with my 9 passengers, I see that my car has been EGGED. I have been an egging victim twice in less than one month.

At first I thought, eerie coincidence, right? But the more I think about, the more I wonder if there is some deranged person out there that really has it out for me and is determined to make my life hell by coating my person and my vehicle with chicken placenta. All I can say is I guess if that is the worst it could get then I do have some level of safety.

Hmm. I am off to the car wash to de-egg. Stay safe and watch for flying white orbs!

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