Sunday, December 03, 2006


So for me, yesterday was a big day in the world of sports. It's really v. funny that I'm saying that, b/c if you know know that the world of sports is generally a world I could care slightly more than less about. Only slightly. But yesterday I got all wrapped up in it, I think mostly b/c little Greggy and I have an intense rivalry of trojans (who suck) v. bruins (who are awesome) that threatens to rip our family in two. Not really. But I can't resist sounding dramatic.

Anyway, so it was the big game. We started drinking around 10:30 am and then somewhere between jello shot number 2 and tequilla shot number 1 and beer number 58 I got a ticket to the game for free. I went to the game w/ a bunch of friends and our plan was: tailgate - yes! game - no! Why pay like $60 to see your team get slaughterhous fived? But anyway you see I had much to drink and little else to do if I went home as I'd only fall asleep on my couch, so when the free ticket found its way into my palm I accepted.

And then what can only be described as the biggest upset in football history (at least that's what I call it) occurred, and UCLA won. It was mad exciting, and I cheered until my nodules were in full effect so I could not even talk by the end of the night. PS: that is me there, in the foto, with the fat arm and the the blue hat.

Oh can I say? The end was freaky. To prevent any field rushing they had mad cops out and security and muzzled dogs and tons of pepper spray canisters and even a gun thing. They did pepper spray us even though we were committing the heinous crime of stnading in the stands and cheering...I coughed. So that was that. A great historical momentous occasion.

And! The DDeacons won the ACC championship and are now headed to the Orange Bowl. I have not a clue where the bowl is and I still don't understand why it's such a big deal but I got more texts about that then about the UCLA game so I guess it's kind of a big Anyway, that concludes my sports notes for the night. I"m off to Houston's w/ my brother and his girlfriend who I think is becoming a permanent fixture in his life. I continue to work on getting over the fact that she is my age and has 5 years on him. I really am working hard...

1 comment:

Michael Newman said...

Go Bruins!!

Check my blog, I've actually made some posts ;)