Friday, December 15, 2006

Your next MTV reality star: Right Here.

It still gets me super confused when I have days like this. I was up at 9am this morning right? And now it’s 6pm. That’s a lot a lot of hours. Technically I should not have any issues with taking care of the few key tasks that I have to finish before I head to my crazy Cancun vaca tomorrow morning at f’in 5:30 – laundry, packing, some email shit, AMR (kill me). Instead, I brunched (Aly you are most def a domestic goddess and I’m in awe), I have mani/pedi’ed (hot pink thank you), I have shopped (bought a dress which was the object of my obsession and to avoid any further obsession I just bought it, sorry couldn’t help it, have absolutely no self-control). And now it’s like 6 and I want to take a nap and then go out but instead I have all this shit to do – so clearly I’m digging right in. it’s not like I’m blogging to procrastinate. Anyway I really really needed to update this b/c you know I don’t want to neglect it and stuff.

So anyway. I have a story.

The other day, I’m shopping on Robertson w/ Aly (that’s a double shout out for you dumpling!) and we see that something is being filmed. We go into Lisa Kline and we’re in there trying to figure out who the hell they’re shooting. And then I see her: Heidi, my favorite blond ambition(less) flake who spends her days tanning and her nights drinking in those gorgeous HWood Hills. She was having truly retarded conversations with some new girl who most likely is her new best friend that MTV went out and found for her. So anyway she’s totally all up on in the sales rack which is not cool b/c I can’t afford anything in that store if it’s not on the sale rack and then even then…I really can’t…so I’m trying to stay out of the way of the crew but apparently…I didn’t do such a hot job.

Cuz on our way out they ask us to sign release forms cuz we were in a bunch of the background shots. Most awesome thing that happened to me all week. I’m totally watching The Hills next season (like I wasn’t going to anyway but whatever) and watching for my little moment of fame. Too bad I looked like ass, no makeup, hat on, huge bulky sweater, will most likely look like some random ugly girl wearing too much clothing and attempting to hide unwashed hair from the world. But I guess you have to take it as you can get it.

So now that I’ve told my story…I’m going to start packing my BIKINI b/c I’m going to the tropics and I cannot wait!!! Until then, mistletoe and eggnog and too much family time to you.

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