Wednesday, January 17, 2007

People Like Us.

Tomorrow, I leave for the Sundance Film Festival. It's a film festival, so naturally, I am going to all of one film during my 4 day stay. You wanna know what this film is about? It's called Teeth, and it's about vagina dentata, which is essentially some ancient myth that has been passed through various cultures in various forms, but at its core, it's the concept of vaginas having teeth. It's supposed to scare men away from sex with strange women. Watch out! Your woo-ha might get eaten!

I guess the remainder of the time I'll be skiing, hot-tubbing, drinking, and partying. Or, seeing Matisyahu in concert. Oddly enough, everyone in my house of like 12 people is tremendously excited about seeing that guy. Personally I never got into this particular Jewish rapper. But, I'm going.

It's funny that I'm really doing nothing film related despite the fact that this is a FILM festival, most notably b/c someone in the entertainment business recently harangued me for going. In his words, "People like you are what's wrong with Sundance." Or something like that. "You can go skiing in Park City like any weekend you want, and yet you pick this weekend b/c you want to go for the 'parties.' And then people like US don't want to go even though we're the film people that have a reason to go b/c YOU people make it so damn crowded." I didn't realize it was so us versus them...but anyway, I'll be heading to Park City this weekend, mostly for parties, but also to make it too crowded for the entertainment people.

Anyway, I am excited. Considering the $$$ I'm shelling out for this weekend, b/t my "party pad," my airfare, my concert tickets, my lift tickets, etc. etc. etc., I am actually expected one hell of a weekend. And's time to pack. Oodles of toodles!

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