Monday, January 08, 2007


I just heard an ad for “high-performance” tampons. I understand that we live in a world where high-performance is not just for snow skis anymore but rather regular everyday items like razors that have no business being high-performance, but I fail to see why it would ever be necessary to use a high-performance tampon. I’d really like to know what exactly this HPT does aside from its singular, obvious function. If anyone has some insight, feel free to share.

Anyway, I have been back here in LA since last Tuesday. I didn’t think I could sick of lunching, shopping, and hanging out, but I think that I’m sick of…lunching, shopping, and hanging out. Also, the ridiculous amount of spare time has led to two things: 1) when you have this much time and you actually have work to do, it’s impossible to make yourself do it b/c you’re like whatever, I’ll just keeping “watching true life I’m a meth addict” and do my work tomorrow; and 2) any little thing that is on my mind is on my mind like 28 times worse so that I just obsess over things as I have all this unutilized brain space. I have class starting tomorrow…thank G_d. Did I just say that? I did.

I am actually going to go do work now though believe it or not, but I wanted to leave you with this. Do you see the picture here of this animal? This is some sort of seal, I forget what kind, but they are big and furry and very cute, clearly. But do you see what it looks like? I’ll tell you. I was w/ Jaime the other day and we started talking about Never-Ending Story which is one of the greatest movies of all time. And she noted that she saw this seal thing in Argentina over break that looked like Valcor from NES and here he is, and he really really does look like a black Valcor. I guess he doesn’t fly, and that’s too bad, but oh well.

Alright then. The end.

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