Sunday, January 14, 2007

When I was 15 it was the only place I wanted to live.

My skin is breaking out something fierce. I think it figured out that we’re moving to SF and it’s very angry and decided to strike back. What a douche.

Anyway, yes, I made it official this weekend – I signed my offer letter and will be managing brands in Oak-town come sometime post-graduation. Somewhere between the view from my 14th floor hotel room with the splendid city view, the multiple extravagant (and more importantly, comped) meals, and the story from a future coworker about the time he accompanied Backstreet Boy’s AJ to the Playboy mansion for a benefit dedicated to Diane Warren and her life’s work of saving parrots, I decided that I found my calling from a career perspective and might as well make it a done deal.

As far as living in this cold, cold place goes, that, I’m not so happy about. I had to buy a scarf today just to survive. I got a green one, from Nordstrom, btw, but this evening when I put it on I discovered that the ends have several knit flowers attached. This means the scarf will be returned before the end of this week as attached knit flowers might be one of the worst things ever. Ever.

Despite the fact that I’ve really only been an LA’er for like 1.5 years, I’ve grown accustomed to 50 degrees officially falling into the “cold weather” bucket and rain being something that is really something for people who live elsewhere. Now elsewhere will be SF, I’ll be one of those people, and 50 will actually be quite temperate.

Anyway, can I just share the favorite part of the housing tour I went on this morning? We drove past some park, I now forget the name of it, but I guess it’s some really great park, and our tour guide gives her perspective on how wonderful it is b/c it’s so diverse yet so big that everyone gets along in perfect park-y harmony. “So you see, everyone has their space here. Down there at that end you have the Hispanics who come to play soccer. Then up a little further, the Asians come to practice their Tai Chi. And then you have the part on that hill where the musicians come to smoke their dope. And right next to those guys, you have their moms holding their playgroups. And so, you see, there is plenty of room for everyone to coexist happily.”

Charming. I guess this explains why after seeing several puddles of pee, two drug deals, countless crazies, several sex shops and strip clubs, and a couple prostitutes within a certain 3 block trot, we came upon Abercrombie, Juicy Couture, and Bloomie’s. All happily coexisting. A veritable patchwork blanket. Sans attached knit flowers.

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