Sunday, January 28, 2007

All Women Have Cellulite

Title: Revelation from SDance. Revelation for some. Eye opener for others. Anyway.

Well, shit. I started to write a blog entry like a week ago but it never really went anywhere. It was about Sundance, but it’s funny b/c I guess that was only a week ago but for some reason feels like it was an eternity ago. I think it’s mostly b/c I have four day weekends and three day weeks, and it makes time feel just really out of whack. I don’t think I’m ever really sure of what day it is, b/c Friday is like my Sunday is like my Monday….each day I can pretty much do whatever I want. And I’d like to say I have all this work to do…but that would be a total lie, b/c I really don’t have that much work to do at all. I’m kind of just a total, utter, slacker. I’d also like to say I feel guilty, or that it’s not agreeing w/ me, but I’ve rather moved past that point. I’m starting to realize that never, ever again will I be able to have 4 day weekends and just shape my days to be whatever I want them to be. And sometimes they will be a waste. Take today for instance. I woke up at 11, made an omelet and some coffee, and then hung out w/ Veeve, im’ed, emailed, etc. etc. I finally showered and got dressed at 3 – I had to go over to Melissa’s and advise her on a dress and make a trip to Staples. The funny thing was I then went home and chilled for another hour or so, and then it was time to leave as I was going to meet long-lost Sauj at the Grove for dinner. But by then the outfit of shorts, leggings, and flops I’d selected for my one hour out of the house was weather-ly obsolete – I had to change cuz by then it was too cold out for flops and leggings. Two outfits, one day, and I really did nothing. Hmmm.

Anyway, I think originally I’d planned to write about Sundance, but that’s really hard to do b/c I feel rather scatterbrained about it. I can tell you that we stayed up too late, drank too much, and skied a lot, which led to 10 people having very, very bad colds last week. Highlights include the significant amount of time spent hanging out w/ Nick Canon, which was funny, b/c we were at his after-party and everyone’s like, “we’re at Nick Canon’s!!” And we’re all like, “Umm, who is Nick Canon?” He has a bad show on MTV. That’s pretty much his claim to fame. I can also tell you that he sat across the aisle from me on the airplane and was wearing a gold rope around his neck that was apparently so heavy that he actually removed it and dropped it in his lap when he sat down…I guess that’s how you know you’ve made it in life when you’re of that big pimpin’ genre – you’re chains actually lead you to chiropractic visits.

We also spied PDiddy. He was preserving his sexy. In fact he preserved it so well that we couldn’t’ really figure out who he was. I see this dude, and I’m like, “Yo! Aaron! It’s Kanye West!” And he’s all like, “Nooooooooooooooooooooo!!” And I’m like, “Dude, it looks like him, and he has a body guard following him around.” So I walked past Kanye and told him he’s hot, and then about 20 min later we figured out it was actually PDiddy. I swear, they really, really do look alike. Not bullshitting you.

Oh, the Vagina movie was really good btw. I wrote about that right? The vagina w/ teeth movie? It was…graphic…. I saw several penile stumps, and yes, it was somewhat stomach-churning. But it’s interesting in that this chick is kinda like a heroine who has a super powered vaj that she uses to get back at bad men. So, that was nice. I guess it’s getting picked up though. So, def see it if you can stomach it. And boyz, don’t be afraid, it’s just a myth.

That said, I’m now going to write a paper for my women in leadership class. See there! I guess I am doing something productive. I probably deserve a cookie just for that.

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