Friday, March 09, 2007

Always good to be home.

So I flew into Indy last night. Currently Dick and Jane are in the islands on the tail end of a two week vaca (and hence I don't like them as they'll be sickly tan when I pick them up tonight at the AP), so as they weren't here...they hired a "driver" to pick me up last night. I don't know what I was expecting. I supposed a taxi. Or maybe a town car. But what I got, was an old woman with bouffant hair and huge glasses in an Oldsmobile. Her name is Dolly. I went for the backseat, after all, it was midnight, 20 degrees out, and I had just completed a 5 hour flight...hence my desire to chat up strangers was minimal at best. But she was like, "Oh you can sit up front if you don't mind Duffy!" And thus I had to sit up there. With Dolly. And Duffy. Her rescue dog. Actually Duffy was quite adorable and I enjoyed his company until he passed gas and was sent to the back seat, and Dolly sure was a trip too. I enjoyed hearing about her stint living in Hollywood (she didn't detail how she ended up was "rough" period of her life...) as well as her travel experiences (loved the Greek Isles, found Bangkok much too hot as she had no idea it was a jungle nation on the equator). Anyway, she was super nice.

And, I guess the point of this story is: Jane, where do you find these people?

So I went to bed at 2:30, and it's really weird going to sleep in this big empty house by yourself. I don't really like it too much. Then I woke up at like noon. My clock is a little off. I cleaned out the fridge for Jane, as she had more blocks of unopened exotic cheeses that should have left the fridge in oh, say, December '06 than I could count. I then hit up Starbucks where the barista told me to "Enjoy the lovely weather!" to which I smiled and nodded but couldn't help shake my head at the irony considering that i come from a land of endless 70 degree sunshine and here is this one day of 55 degree quasi-sun and it's clearly heralded as spring's exultant entrance.

A couple more IN observations. I got my nails did for tomorrow's bridal affair, and couldn't help but notice that every nail salon in Indy is extremely, ridiculously big. That is what happens when you're in a city that currently touts the most reasonable real estate prices in the country. The nail places can seat at least 85 people. For the record, even here in the Midwest they are still run by the Thai. Or Vietnamese. They have a lock on the industry guys.

Observation #2: people drive painfully slow here. The speed limit is 40: we go 35. Speed limit on the interstate is 60...we go 60. Even in the absence of what I'd refer to as "traffic." I think one driver of this phenomenon is the fact that there all these vehicles driving chickens or wood or something on the main roads that can't actually physically drive the speed limit. Or maybe I just drive too fast. After all some dude on the plane yday made fun of me for being in a hurry to get to my seat. That was annoying.

Anyway, Jack B is rolling around the floor making noises. I think he wants to play, so I must jet. For the record, he is now a dog, no longer a puppy. You are welcome to sing that to the tune of BSpear's "Not yet a girl..." or something. He got delivered by the kennel today and he's all bathed and clean and fluffy. He is white as snow (although every time he goes outdoors I have to wipe his paws...cuz he's playing in the snow...which is dirty now...cuz there is still SNOW on the ground...), and he is wearing a most stylish St. Patty's day clover-dec'ed hanky round his neck. What, of course he's fashionable, he's related to me. And he growls like a big boy now when we play tug with common household items like towels...the ones I wipe his paws with... Anyway, so I'm out. The end.

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