Friday, May 11, 2007

I Am Not for Parents

It’s been so long, hasn’t it? It really has. Lots has happened since the last entry. I reconnected with a friend from jr. high via mySpace (hey dude, she initiated, I only played along), I found a place to live in San Fran (it’s beautiful!!! Pay my rent!!), and today little greggy graduated from college. Which made me feel old. I suppose it also made his girlfriend feel old, seeing as she graduated from college back in ’02 when I did and got to reminisce about college graduation with me while she watched her boyfriend do it 5 years later. She’s awesome actually, but I just can’t seem to stop joking about the age gap. I get endless amounts of entertainment from harassing my brother about it. Which is ironic considering that I suppose it makes him somewhat of a badass to be dating a girl who’s so much older when he’s not even in the real world yet. But I’m easily entertained anyway, so whatever.

Anyway, was chatting with my friend J the other day. Here we have the transcript:

Jami: lindy! Guess what? You’re famous.

Me: oh really. Do tell.

Jami: so I was telling my mom about Liz’s cookies and when she googled the cookie chew she arrived at a blog. So she called me and was like "Jami, Liz’s website isn't very good because it doesn't come up on Google. Instead I ended up on this random blog of a girl in California. She’s 26 and was writing some funny stuff. She sure used the s- word a lot." To which I replied "that's LINDY!!”

me: oh! She thinks I cuss too much! That’s not good! Make sure she forgets my blog address and doesn’t read it. I am not for parents.

I like this exchange. First it’s funny that your stupid ramblings can become so widely accessible. It’s also fun that J’s mom knows what a blog it. It’s nice to know that she thinks I write some “funny stuff.” It’s a bit concerning that she thinks I use the s- word too much considering J is an old college friend and I’ve met her parents several times and stayed with them, and until now her mom probably thought I was really nice. I guess if she read some of my entries her opinion of me might become slightly sullied. Hence why I hope she forgets my blog address like my dad did after my stupid ass brother revealed it to him.

I’m also a bit concerned for Liz’s Web site. I’ll put it here again just so she gets a little more advertising . Because it’s true that the site does not pull when you type it into Google, even variations. It pulls my blog and her mySpace page. We need to do something to make sure that Liz’s site is getting to the top of the search when you try to find it!!! Very important. Put that on my to do list.

Anyway, that pretty much sums up my thoughts regarding this little exchange re: J’s mom reading a blog excerpt or two. I guess I say shit too much. Well, shit. What can you do?

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