Sunday, September 10, 2006

Committing Was Dumb.

So I'm in the process of dying my hair which means I have a pile of chemical saturated hair piled on my head and have to move very carefully to avoid splattering any surfaces with my toxic goo. Which means I can't really move much at all, so I am now sitting down, to write stuff.

Today was a fairly uneventful day, which consisted of laundry and house cleaning and some afternoon yoga, where I ran into Meg and Jaime who have returned from exotic lands. We went to grab food at Urth Cafe afterward, it apparently is a dreadful dreadful crime that I have never been to this place before. But now I have, so everyone can sleep a little more easily.

Anyway, I asked for a Diet Coke with my sandwhich. They don't serve Diet Coke. The offered me Organic Soda as an alternative. I declined. My panini was divine, but what kind of place does not serve Diet Coke? I mean sure it's filled with chemicals and probably goes against a place with Urth in its name, but come on, it's not even spelled the right way, it's spelled some weird LA way. And Diet Coke is an American staple. How can they take that away from us good people?

So switching topics. I am heading back to IN tomorrow for a little vacation before school starts. Internship is over, no more faucets, no more Orange County, no more surrogate parents. Kinda weird. Highlights of home will include my lovely Jack, the Nicole Richie haircut, visits with my NC cuzins who I love, a trip to Boston, and a trip to visit the granpda in Buffalo New York. The most exciting part of Buffalo will be a visit to the Anchor Bar, btw, where I will indulge in what the world's ORIGINAL Buffalo chicken wings. No joke, not even kidding. The 100% originals. I even know the story of the recipe. But I won't post it. I'm sure I've probalby told you before anyway, b/c as some people (Jizz) like to point out, I sure do like my Anchor Bar wings. Boston....that is another story...which you may or may not know...and let's suffice to say that it should be an interesting trip.

I also anticipate doing a lot of school related shit while I'm home. Yes, it's still several weeks away, but I am dumb, really f'in dumb, and seemed to think it was a good idea to be on all these boards for next year. I actually wanted to do them last year, but now that second year is rolling around, and I'm a "senior," I really kind of feel like doing not much of anything. Maybe a bit of school work, and otherwise stuff like, dinner parties, the beach, and bars. As discussed over lunch today, they clearly know you won't want to do shit your second year, so they make sure you're committed during first year when you're still all punky brewster and stuff. Damn them, they are so clever. Perhaps I should just drop out...Something to think about.

So...I am going to do a rinse and reveal my newly glossified hair. Blogging over these next couple weeks will be spotty. Ironic, no? When I was working, actually gainfully employed, I made sure to find time to blog every single weekday. Now, I'm pretty much on vaca and no one is paying me to do anything and I have virtually endless time to play with...I'm not nearly as compelled to write...

I want to sign off with one question I've been thinking about. With school starting up, I will most likely have tremendous gossip and shit as fodder for my blog. And so the question is, do I write about it? And risk getting myself into trouble on a fairly regular basis? Or...shall I be more considerate and cautious? I know myself pretty well, and I'm guessing I'll take option one...but just though I'd pose the thought anyway. Input welcome. Ta ta!

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