Tuesday, January 30, 2007

DouLikeMe? And Other Stuff.

Did you know that BMW makes an 8 series? I didn't. But then this morning while driving to school there was this really ugggg-llllyyy car driving behind me with those stupid ass fold down headlights, it was totally Kit from the 80s, at least I think the car's name was kit, but whatever, it was ugly. And I saw the BMW sign on its hood and was like no way that dude must've stolen the ornament and put it on his 80s-Camaro-esque vehicle, so I slowed down to let the car pass me so I could see the rear and indeed! It was a BMW.

It's funny that I started off my day w/ this car thought b/c then in my global ops class we were doing a case on BMW, ironic. But we were discussing the elements of decision-making when men make car purchases, and one item brought up was how men that have families will buy dumb cars so they still feel masculine. And it totally dawned on me that THAT was my childhood, b/c at one point in my youth Dick drove a Porche 911 and you'd think that was hot but in reality it was totally embarrassing if he ever came to pick me and friends up at school b/c it was so f'in loud plus you couldn't really fit into the damn thing. Total mid-life crisis right? He did get rid of it btw, right before my 16th bday. Do you think that's coincidence or planning? I'll plead the latter.

Oh Jason: this is a shout-out to you. I wondered how that blog you're planning to back-date and write is going for you. Did you pull that all-nighter?

And Jason brings me to my last thought of the mid-day which is re: to tv. It's funny, b/c most people actually try to decrease the amount of tv that they watch and meanwhile I'm trying to increase the amount of tv I watch. I went over to my friends' Jason and Warrens last night to revive our Sunday tv and dinner nights (it was Mon but whatever) of yester-quarter and we did 24 and What About Brian, neither of which I actually watch. But I think I'm going to try to get into them. I think that's weird.

Anyway, I'll leave you with this: www.doulike.com as someone on mySpace messaged me this link. I don't so much get it. But it's kinda funny cuz it's so totally reminiscent of like fourth grade where you pass your crush that note that's all, "Do you like me? Circle yes or no." But for the modern age. Oh, I'm not on it btw, so don't try to find me there. Ciao!


Jason said...

For the record, I did not watch What About Brian. I left the room after 24 was over. Linderman, this doesn't count as a shout out as it was tainted and filled with half truths. I think my first blog entry will be back dated to the precise hour that you and Warren were watching that lame ass show. In fact, I'm declaring a blog war on Lindypants. Someone has to control her and steal all her readers. To be continued..

BouncinAround said...

What About Brian is a PHENOMENAL show. Don't hate. How can you not love watching Krista Allen??? Seriously...Lindy, you know you're going to get all into these two shows and get addicted. Nothing wrong with that!