Saturday, April 07, 2007

Eat Liz's cookies!! (a break from CRica)

Let me tell you a great way to end a long day of animal viewing at the San Diego Zoo: watching 13 Going on 30. Wow this movie is disturbingly good. Anyway so I'm in San Diego - this I think is the only city in the states where the weather is better and sunnier than in LA. So of course, now that I'm here, it's totally not sunny. Anyway, enuf about the weather. Let's talk about how this trip is going to make me fat.

I'm here to visit my friend Liz, who has gone from big 5 accountant to interior design apprentice to cookie baking entrepreneur. I am not a big sweets person right? But these cookies are insane. I wanted to eat one for breakfast. I waited until after breakfast... She does all sorts of fun varieties but the kicker is that each cookie is filled with a chocolate surprise (and she makes all her chocolate fillings as well...). I am personally in love w/ the choc hazelnut, and YES Warren I will bring some back for you). Find these delights at and I suggest you buy in bulk. She's in the process of getting her PayPal and shipping stuff set up so give it a week or so...and THEN buy in bulk...

So yeah, we went to the zoo today. Fav of the day: flamingos. They are way more entertaining than anything I expected. They do all this weird shit as part of their mating rituals, like this weird pose where they stand on one leg and and then tuck their beaks into their wings. I think that these birds would totally kick my ass in yoga. Lucky for me flamingos don't do yoga, at least I don't think they do, so I'm golden. The monkey trails were pretty sweet, they weren't throwing any poo or anything, and there is something so cute about monkeys picking bugs off each other. I think if I saw any of my friends picking shit out of each others' hair like for an extended session I might throw up in my mouth. But the monkeys make is 100% socially acceptable. The cat canyon sucked big time, the cats were all sleeping and they smelled, and the Burmese python that was a stunning yellow and white pattern was actually genetically engineered, but to make up for that stuff we did a "skyfari" and btw did you know that it's illegal and punishable by fine of $500 or 6 months in jail to spit from a sky tram? I guess that means that they assume you make less than $100 a month? That would suck. Final attraction at the zoo was mostly of the human variety. I could've had a field day doing makeovers but I think there was too much tragic unfortunate-ness to even get started. I wish I had pictures but all I really caught on my camera phone were the peacocks that were roaming free and a good shot of the giraffes.

Anyway I need to go shower. Showering at Liz's is fun cuz she has one of those shower heads you can use as a hand-held and it takes me back to when I studied abroad in France in HS and that was my only showering option and I found it so novel b/c it totally changes the way you shower. You really get those suds off. Ok. So then. Have a great Sat night. Ciao bellas.

1 comment:

BouncinAround said...

i will be looking for those cookies when we do tv night again (monday???)