Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Is it any better if I say pee-pee platter? No. Def not.

I'm in advertising class right now. We're discussing various techniques used by advertisers to grab attention and break through the noise.
#4: Use of emotions. Typical stimuli include -

Babies. Animals. Sex. Right... A perfectly logical list.

Anyway last night I was at dinner at Canal Club, I like that place. Although the service was so terrible that at one point we called the restaurant and asked them to send our waiter over. We were in plain view of the host and we personally found ourselves absolutely hilarious. I like to think the host did too but I'm not so sure. Also of note was our server, Ivar, who was Bulgarian. His accent was ridiculous. When he came over initially, we simply could not keep our shit together. We couldn't look at him. We couldn't look at each other as we were laughing so hard. I felt so terribly but I couldn't help it. We ordered the pupu platter but it was just too much. Kt couldn't get the words out. With her eyes downcast she pointed to the menu and asked Ivar, "can we get this?" At what age does "pupu platter" stop being funny?

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