Thursday, April 12, 2007

I've seen a lot of pastries come and go in my day.

Apparently Frederick is a pastry connoisseur. Who knew? And as such, she has seen many pastries come...and her day. So that's good. Anyway, she was telling Maria and I this over dinner last night - she cooked for us in her new Bev Hills apt (which is in the complex that I'm 99% sure is home to LC and (formerly) Heidi of Hills fame). The food was delicious. The help was delicious too.

You see, little Freds (Eve) lives in NY and has this guy friend who is currently out here in LA for a week to visit a girl, who he a bar. As he got to know her so well given the hours they spent together, he bought a ticket to come see her in her natural habitat and feel their amazing connection again. Except, I guess the connection was gone and his visit sucked. So he bailed. And ended up staying w/ KT (and for the record KT didn't know him previously).

This is weird on many, many levels, so let's just look past that and instead focus on the relevant issues, such as how KT managed to turn this dude (who is hot btw) into her little house bitch for several days. He apparently did her grocery shopping for her meal, made the dessert, served as the sous chef, and was her chauffeur for a day. Again, and we cannot stress this enough, all the while looking most adorable. I sure wish I could rent him for a day or so, but I guess he is heading back to NY, today actually. I'm also not really sure if he's technically for rent. Sad. So then...does anyone know a cute boy who is handy in the kitchen and in need of a couch to stay on? If you're super cute you can be upgraded from the couch perhaps. To Veeve's bed, of course.

Anyway, this has nothing to do with anything, but do you know that the dude at the car wash spent over 5 minutes today trying to convince me to get the special wax deal? I kept trying to explain to him that I"m totally way over my car and don't really care about it hence why would I treat her to a special wax, but he just kept going and going. He really did want to sell that wax. Normally, I would've cut him off a little faster, but thing is, in this lady of leisure life that I lead, I really was in no hurry. I had come from yoga, brunch, and a bit of shopping (peer pressure I say) and really...only had a dentist apt and dinner prep ahead of me. So, I let the dude sell his wax. I guess that this leisure stuff kind of makes me a calmer person. A nice side benefit. Doing nothing sure does pay off. So then kids, that is what I've got. Au revoir and happy pastry watching.

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