Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I Really Am Not this Materialistic

I caught wind of something I’ve never heard of before last week: a makeup warehouse sale. Deal is, I’m told over email, that you show up to this randoid place in North Hollywood and you have access to a vast amount of Stila makeup at seriously discounted prices. I’ll be honest, I’m a total makeup whore, I have eye shadows in every color of the rainbow and I am not afraid to experiment when I go out at night…or go to class… This was pretty much a dream for me.

Which is why I woke up at 8am on a SATURDAY morning to drive out to this place and then stood in line in the sweltering heat for like 2 hours (ok it was about 15 minutes) to enter into this heavenly place. And oh it was heavenly. This warehouse contained endless rows of boxes and crates packed with every product that Stila makes for like 20% of what it normally costs. $15 eye shadows: $3. $18 lip glosses: $4. Full set of brushes: $20. I was drooling. I think I was. And I know that my heart rate increased when I walked in. I think I was on the verge of…you know…I’m just kidding. It wasn’t that awesome.

So I started shopping. I had one bag when I walked in and w/in 5 minutes I was finding a clerk for another bag. I stopped at the shadows and threw in like 15 diff colors. 10 glosses. 6 candles. 3 gift sets. Perfume. Lotion. Sets of eye pencils. Pots of stuff I couldn’t even identify. Just throwing it in, no sense of the total in my bags. At the end I had to do a clean up but still managed to spend a ghastly amount of $$$ on makeup that nearly doubled my makeup collection (and believe me it was already plenty big) and was completely unnecessary. When I got home I had obligations (brunch…the beach…) and couldn’t play until later in the day – and when I did, it was sheer bliss. I also applied so much makeup when I played that I seriously looked like a hooker before I showered it off. But anyway.

Oh wait, before I close – I need to mention that I got lost coming home. I had to have my friend Bill, who was visiting from out of town and waiting for me at my apt for brunch, MapQuest my location for me so I could get home. Damn the 101, damn the 110, damn the 134, and damn those f’ed up interchanges that make zero sense. And bless Bill.

And to close, thank you to my totally un-girly friend that informed of this wonderful makeup warehouse thing. If you’re reading this, you’re the bestest – and I know you’re now cringing over the mushiness J

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