Monday, November 27, 2006

Eggnog. Just, not so much nog.

Something happened last week that I meant to write about. It was a first-time experience for me, so I think it’s most necessary to record somewhere that it can be read about for years to come. So it’s Wed night, and I’m outside The Other Room in Venice, standing by the bouncer to get in. And then I hear this sound, like something is whizzing past my ear, and then it sounds like glass shattering or something, and I’m all confused.

It was an egg. An f’ing egg. Are you serious? Who the f eggs people? That is the most retarded, ridiculous, retarded, ridiculous, etc. etc. thing ever. I think that past the age of like 15 that is fully unacceptable. It was this low-riding yellow Honda thing. I don’t know. They were going so fast it was hard to tell. I guess they were aiming at the bouncer. B/c they were 15 and pissed cuz their fakes sucked and they couldn’t get in. Little bitches. So anyway, it got all in my hair which is nasty and all over the back of my jacket which was my favorite jacket. At least currently it’s my favorite. I’m sorry. I still just can’t believe I got egged.

Let’s end by transitioning onto a lighter topic. Of course I went shopping while home. That is all I’m good for when I’m home anyway, eating and shopping. So we’re at Saks and we’re in the young men’s dept cuz Greggy is trying on clothes, and Dick decides to try on some Seven jeans, which in itself is funny enough, and he did end up buying a pair, which is also very, very funny. But, funnier is the fact that he tried them on, and then came out and did this little model strut thing for like 5 feet through the dept. It was kind of heinously embarrassing I guess b/c here is my little dad making these ridiculous gestures and faces but it was unbelievably funny. So while I wanted to cringe, all I could do was giggle like the school girl that I am.

There I go. I’m laughing again. It was that funny. That really happened. You are laughing too, I know you are, I can sense it. It could only be better if you knew Dick b/c that’s really necessary for the visual. Ok, I’m out. Night!

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