Tuesday, November 28, 2006

It's Official.

It's officially cold in LA. I guess winter has arrived. I think it might be about 50 degrees. Hold on. Let me check. Ok I checked. Weather.com says it's 56 degrees here in San Mon, but I think it's about 50 inside my apt. where I sit writing a biz plan critique. It's so cold in here that I'm wearing socks and I NEVER wear socks. And it's so cold that my fingers can barely type. I know, I'm typing, but I swear, it's hard work.

This is me: I remember when in 7th grade, it got so cold one week in Indy that all the fuel in the diesel buses froze and we got the whole week off. There was no snow - it was just so f'in cold that we could not go to school. I think it was like 20 below zero or something.

And I survived.

And now here I sit, it's 56, and I'm like, "shit! it's f'in winter! I'm going to die!!"

I think I need to go make some soup. My teeth are chattering! Just thought I'd share.

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