Thursday, November 23, 2006

Giant Gourds Abound

It’s sunny, it’s 60 degrees, and it’s Indiana at the end of November. That is awesome. Additionally, I got on an earlier flight last night, I had ten hours of sleep, and I just had a bacon omelet. And once I’m done drinking my coffee, I am taking Mista out for a walk. And then I apparently have to go demonstrate my football prowess as Dick has signed us up to play in the “Turkey Bowl” which is the football game that is apparently occurring today in our neighbors’ back yard. Guess the only issue there is that I have no football prowess. So aside from that minor issue, life is good, life is very good.

And it’s good to be home. Always nice to be back with Dick and Jane. And Jack (who is now about 50 lbs and no longer looks like a puppy, but he still thinks he’s about 30 lbs and climbs all over you, but luckily he’s the apple of my eye so I don’t really care). It takes usually less than a ½ hour at home to relearn that they are pretty kind weird and hence how I turned out the way I did.

Dick last night informed us that he was unable to find and download the UCLA fight song. Mind you he has the Trojan fight song downloaded. Which led Greggy and I to ask why he has this song and if he actually listens to it. He does. And that’s weird. Jane meanwhile has a giant gourd on the center of the living room coffee table. It’s pretty much retarded looking. I told her it’s weird. She said: “I don’t care. I like it. And anyway, I’m weird.” No denial here, that’s refreshing.

She then informed us that she plans to take holiday pictures of each of holding various props. Greggy will be holding an airplane in honor of his future Top-Gun-ness; Dick will be holding Jack as he’s the newest addition to the fam; Jane will be holding a crutch (she recently f’ed up her knee, kinda sad but a little funny); and I apparently will be holding a bottle of Clorox bleach in honor of the job. Coming soon to a mailbox near you. I’m envisioning facial expressions of the recipients right now, and they are…yes…here comes the w word…weird.

Oh, and Dick told a really bad joke this morning about shopping for husbands and wives (I’ll spare you the details). He announced before telling it that he hoped he didn’t mess up the punch line. That’s so me!

Well kids, coffee is done. I’m off to walk the pup. Hasta la vista and very merry Turkey Day to you all. Remember, Turkey in the Pan, Turkey in the Pan. Eat much! The end.

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