Wednesday, January 31, 2007

_i_c_i_e: Shut It.

Preface: Picture #1 is totally unrelated to remainder of post. But that Absolut bottle carved out of ice is pretty sweet. As for pic #2 is concerned, I think it complements the title of this entry quite nicely. Can't you see "shut it" coming out of that girl's mouth? I can. And it's my mouth. So, I should know.

Continuing on...this is me, writing you (well I guess not you b/c do I really know who you are? Not really. You could be anyone), from class. Pay and rewards to be specific. We’re having an intellectual debate regarding the accounting methods for expensing employee stock options, it’s FASB v. the world here. I’m sooooooooooo stimulated right now. I’m sure you have never been jealous of my life before but right now if u r reading this you are probably at the extreme opposite end of jealousy re: my life b/c this is undoubtedly the most boring portion of my day (or week, maybe month) thus far.

Wanna know what’s good though? I think I don’t speak alone when I admit that I am taking this class b/c approximately 1 hour through the 3 hr session the prof has delicious mini sandwiches (3 for me today: egg salad, chick salad, ham and swiss), cookies (a bite of M&M), and drink (glass of pinot grigio pour moi) delivered. Yes, I’m getting tipsy while observing a fabulous lecture on the subject of stock options. Oh wanna know what else is funny? I limit to one glass so I really don’t get tipsy but I have some lightweight friends in this class that actually do. Two sessions ago, I got two texts w/in 10 min from Aly and Meliss both saying: “I’m tipsy!” Ha ha giggle giggle. How fem can you be? That’s more fem than Warren watching What about Brian?.

Anyway, completely unrelated. A game that I used to play frequently w/ Brett (hi Siggy) involved the exchange of our fav songs from rap songs. Actually it wasn’t really an exchange but we’d try to fit them into everyday convo. Like maybe for instance if we were talking about liking something or not, I’d be like, “well my granmama hate em but my lil momma love em” – can you name that song? It’s from Grillz. Thanks. Anyway. Or maybe if we were talking about leaving I’d be all, “Then say they wanna leave cuz they say you outta must’ad!” That’s Go DJ by the esteemed L’il Wayne. Love him.

The point of this (I must interrupt my own self and mention that a certain classmate _i_c_i_e is truly asking a weird question right now. Hey, shut it) is that I have a new fav rap song line. I have always never understood why hood rats buy packs of Hanes ts that are size you’re really really really fat and huge and wear them like dresses. So in the latest song that tops my list of personal favs Andre 3000 espouses: “Your White Tee Well To Me Looks Like A Nightgown / Make Ya Mama Proud Take That Thing Two Sizes Down” Andre: I say thank you! I could not agree more. Make your momma proud damn it!

In conclusion, to tie this all together, hey, _i_c_i_e: shut the f up.


Michael Newman said...

Walk it out!

BouncinAround said...

Fem my love that show. And many manly men love that show too.