Friday, February 02, 2007

Akward Situations, Love Em

So first off, I must mention that I totally 100% got called out by the prof the other day for being on my laptop during class. Yep, I did. I kind of was transported back to 7th grade as that is the last time I can remember getting in trouble by an authority figure. I’ll give you the story in short: I was at lunch, and there was this bitch woman who had really bad hair who monitored the lunch room. We totally hated her. So she comes over and was all, “can you guys pick up the trash around your table?” And we’re like sure. But as soon as she walked away we’re like, “dude, it’s not even our trash.” And I was feeling rebellious that day I guess, b/c instead of picking stuff up, I actually threw a napkin on the floor. She saw me. I had to wash down lunch tables. That, my friends, is why I was always such a good girl. B/c my very (very) rare attempts to be a badass only got me caught, and in trouble, and blushing.

In other news, Sauj asked me to bring her a “sandy” the other day, short for “sandwich.” I made fun of her for using such a gay word. Then I proceeded to use the word in an email exchange w/ a friend who’s convinced he’s not gonna get a job and will have to open up a Quizno’s franchise (hey dude, chill, you’re golden). So anyway, then I had to email Sauj and admit I’d used the word myself. I guess in the end, I really do like the word “sandy,” short for sandwich. It brings me back to the years of my life when I drove my friends crazy with word-smithery, using words such as “sneezles” (for sneezes) or…wait never mind, I have no other examples.

Last story of the day before I go get totally glammed up for Casino Night where we will drink liberally and gamble w/ fake money in between taking stupid pictures w/ my new camera. So, I went on a date w/ this kid a couple/few weeks back, and we discovered that we go to the same yoga studio, which I knew was only going to be an issue. So we had a nice date but I didn’t really feel him that much + he said he didn’t like being led on, so when he called, I didn’t so much call back. So yesterday, I’m chilling on my yoga mat waiting for the 4:30 class to start, and I see this kid behind me, and I didn’t have the vantage point to see him clearly, but I’m fairly certain it was that guy. So much for a relaxing yoga session, as instead of working on my deep breathing and clearing my mind, I spent the majority of my time doing two things: 1) ensuring that I was looking extra hot (which is hard when you’re sweating profusely while contorting your body) b/c even though I don’t want to date the kid he must still realize that I’m hot (don’t ask, women are complicated); and 2) running through the various awkward conversation scenarios that could occur at the class’ end should we end up having to speak to one another. I made sure to rest on my mat for an extended time period in an avoidance measure, and funnily enough, the suspect dude peaced out of there real, real fast…So was it him? Will never know. But umm, sure did suck, so hope we don’t have another maybe-run-in. Ok kiddies. I’m out. PS: Go to Campanille for Grilled Cheese Night. It’s delish!!!!!!!

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