Monday, February 05, 2007

Moons Over MyHammy, etc. etc.

Casino night has come and gone. I give you

two photos: one is an ode to champagne, which makes me giddy, as you can see by the five-year old expression on my face as I’m being smooched by champagne-loving Ben, and the other is an ode to how things rarely change from year to year, as Mark and I once again insisted on having someone shoot a photo montage of our ridiculous dance moves. Oh, and number three: that’s my AMR team in Vegas on Sat night. Seriously: how cute are we? No really, how cute?

I have no truly great stories from CN – I def did nearly spew up a shot but instead I just kinda spit it up, and that was really gross, but also a good thing, b/c I didn’t need that shot. I also finally pulled a really dumb drunk texting move, and sent a retardedly stupid, unnecessary, and poorly spelled (timothy: translation = even though – don’t ask) text to someone who I am sure will never call me again. But then I don’t think said person was going to call again anyway, so not so much a loss anyway I guess.

I hit up Denny’s w/ Warren and Jason for some Moons over MyHammy (well actually no one really ordered that but how much fun is it to say Moons Over MyHammy??? Say it! Say it again! That’s a real, genuine entrĂ©e name!!) late night and was in bed by 2:30am which was perfect for my 6am wakeup time. Yes, 6am. Driving to school truly, truly sucked on Sat, but as soon as I got there I piled in the pack of the T&C (that’s short for Town and Country, our minivan of choice for our Vegas trip) I pretty much went right to sleep along w/ Sarah V and Stu-y-pie and Mikey so no big deal. Although I’m not sure Gil really loved it. But at least he surely got to laugh at me when I made the weird snorting sounds that I make when I’m really, really tired in the car. My mom says it happens cuz you’re so relaxed that your tongue slips back in your throat. They actually wake me up. They make other people laugh. Anyway, continuing on.

Can I tell one more quick story about the trip there? So I’m sleeping, and at one point I wake up and I’m “Gil, I have to peeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!” And I explained that I really, really had to, you know, cuz I’d been asleep so hadn’t noticed it and it crept up. So he’s all, we’ll stop at the next place – and you know, we’re in the middle of the desert here, all “The Hills Have Eyes” style, so at this point anything will do. So I fall back asleep, and I wake up to Mikey asking Gil, “wait aren’t you going to stop at that rest stop?” that we are driving past. And I instantly am like, “Gilllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!! Why the f are you not stopping?!” And he’s like, “oh, I didn’t think that people actually stopped at those things.” And I’m like, “well, honeypie, when you’re on the verge of wetting your pants any old ceramic hole will do.” For the next 10 miles we searched for big enough shrubs to pee behind, but then we discovered some sort of market (no, it was NOT a mirage, Mikey) and I found peace.

Anyway. We had like 5 hours of meetings total once we arrived in Vegas. The highlight of the trip was undoubtedly Sushi Roku on Sat night. Our client insisted on ordering like 2 of everything on the menu. We has sea bass, we had tuna carpaccio, we had lobster tempura, we had rolls galore, etc. etc. etc. Three hours later, when dinner ended, I was so full that I was hungry. Does that make sense? Not really, but I swear, that’s how I felt. I then passed out in full-ness at like 11:30 with the girls while Gil and Mikey proceeded to go out and dance backstage with go-go dancers until the wee hours of the morning. So Sat morning’s two hours of meetings were super fun for them. Between the line presenter giving me really strange looks when I’d make comments related to Kanye West’s sense of style, or the occasional deadpan stares thrown at Stewie for asking so many damn Qs (even though – yes – we would’ve been up shits creek w/out her and her questions) or the alcohol vapors coming off Mikey and Gil, or waves of exhaustion coming off the rest of us as we continued to learn the ins and outs of selling shoes…it was most definitely a fantastic morning. I have never been so happy to get naked in a parking lot and eat McDonald’s as I was after that meeting. That sounded funny, didn’t it. you’re making a silly face now. Well, this is real long and you’ve likely stopped reading. So, on that note, back to work for me. The end.

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