Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Kids: Fat AND Arrogant.

So I'm in an AMR meeting today. See I'm the PowerPointer, that's my thing, it's what I do. So I'm tweaking slides and my counterparts are doing some market sizing stuff and then I have to pee. So I leave and I'm walking out of the lab but then get sucked into a conversation about if you're going on a first date with a girl and she lives totally not near you do you have to pick her up? But then my AMR group is like Lindy! We need you back here! So I go back...but turns out they didn't really need me, I don't know why they tore me away from such a productive convo, so instead I am reading email and g-chatting and I don't know what I was writing but Gmail picked up something which sent me to this article about a kid in the UK that is so obese (like nearly 200 lbs at the age of 8) that authorities are calling it abuse and threatened to take him away from his mother: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17366915/

Seriously, this is creepy! This mom is all, well he refuses to eat vegetables or healthy things. You know what? My kids will f'in eat what I give them. The dude is 8. He can't drive to the store and buy his own food. At 8 aren't you like learning how to read or something? Your kid can't drive, he can't read, he's practically armless, and you aren't able to control what he puts into his mouth??? That's sad. Now, the bigger issue at hand is that kids are alarmingly overweight and it's simply unhealthy. Hence, in sum - Kids: fat.

Now you think that fatness could contribute to low self esteem. Now let me stop myself for one moment and say this: I'm not trying to be totally mean here I'm just getting some thoughts out ok? And anyway, nice schmice. So, continuing on. After I read this article I seem some other MSNBC article about how kids are not suffering low self esteem at all. On the contrary! They're actually totally narcisissistic. I couldn't find the MSNBC link but here's the article on some other site: http://www.dailynews.com/news/ci_5312072

Ok now this article is about how we're pumping up kids' egos too much to the point where they're totally vain and narcissistic and it's going to make them terrible adults who have shallow relationships and can't love people. Or something like that. And the root of the problem is that they are in preschool singing "I am special, I am special. Look at me! Look at me!" to the tune of Frere Jacques. Truly. I read it in the article. So this means...Kids: arrogant.

I guess my point here is that America is now overrun with a bunch of fat arrogant kids with entitlement complexes.

I prefer to think that at the ripe age of 26 I don't fall into this generation of chubby narcissists. But to bring this back to relevance to my life, in my women in leadership class (which in another topic I could just tear it up with but don't get me started) all the speakers, and they're awesome so G_d bless them, seem to think that we're like 18. They're like, "we're looking for interns! be sure to think about that option when you head back to your dorm room to watch The Suite World of Zach and Cody tonight!" And I'm all, right. You totally know your audience. And then I'm thinking, shit, if they think we're all this young, they probably think we're in that chubby generation of narcissists!!! So anyway, that is just the kind of thing that I'm thinking about right now. No abnormalities here. Nope, totally logical train of thought.

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