Thursday, February 08, 2007

Me, I'll Take the Clothes.

So coming home from Vegas last weekend we made Gil read out loud to us from Men's Health. The articles sucked. The only ones we wanted to hear about anyway were the ones with sex tips for men and stuff b/c we wanted to verify the accuracy, but they were kind of written for like 14 year old boys or something we thought. Mikey sent out a more interesting article that would've been a much stronger addition to that total waste of a mag, which summarized results of a study relating women's feelings on the relationship b/t clothing and sex. And I quote: "Women on average say they would be willing to give up sex for 15 months for a closet full of new apparel, with 2 percent ready to abstain from sex for three years in exchange for new duds, according to a new survey of about 1,000 women in 10 U.S. cities. Sixty-one percent of women polled said it would be worse to lose their favorite article of clothing than give up sex for a month."

Very interesting right? I wonder if men would feel the same way. I'm no expert in men, actually I sometimes wonder if I really know anything of value about the opposite sex at all, and I think I don't....but I'm fairly certain that men do not value clothes and sex the same way. Oh btw, this reminds me of that quote from that one high school movie - you know - that one - Can't Hardly Wait - that's what it's called, where that little dude is talking about UCLA and how all the "honies" are running around saying "Class or sex? Hmm, which should I pick today?" Funny. Anyway, I, for the record, would fully fully 100% take clothes over the other option any old day. Is this posting getting too racy?

Let's take it down a notch then and turn to a conversation I overheard in the nail salon yesterday. It's not racy in the least, but just rather very, very weird. So, I'm chilling, it's a little before 1, getting my nails did (I have to keep them manicured otherwise I'll start biting them again). And there is this chick next to me. She's in yoga clothes, about my age, she was eating lunch while her nails dried (weird), she has a Chanel wallet that was ugly, a really cute voice...umm, that's all I've got on description. So, this older (37 maybe?) woman wearing a big green poncho (and ponchos are SO done btw...although I'm holding onto my chocolate cashmere one b/c you KNOW they'll come back around soon-ish) walks in and does a little kiss/kiss with some other very severe looking woman and they're all "We have to stop meeting this way!" and then she's like "Ming! Can you squeeze me in for a quickie? Just a polish change!" And Ming's all, "yeah yeah."

So then bad Chanel wallet girl goes to her, "By the way, you look good - I definitely think you've lost weight!" And I'm assuming...they know each other - reasonable right? So then poncho is all, "Oh thanks!" And Chanel goes, "Yeah, I always see you around here." And poncho is like, "Oh, like at Blue Plate and stuff?" Chanel: "Oh, I dunno, just around here." Poncho: "Oh, you're sweet! Do you work around here?" Chanel: "No, I don't. I just...can't get away from this place..." Get away from WHAT place chickie?? Montana Nails?? Planet Blue?? F'in TCBY?? Who the f are you chick that you don't work (or I'm assuming live either) on this street and you're here enough to stalk slightly overweight, over-caffeinated, poncho-wearing randos? What do you DO??? Probably nothing. I try to get over it, but I just can't, just can't.

Anyway, that's all I've got. Ta-ta.

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