Thursday, February 22, 2007

I guess it's inevitable anyway

So, first of all - 11:15pm, on a Friday - what the f is there traffic on the 10 and the 110 in both directions for? No I mean seriously, where the f are all you people going? I guess you're all going out which is nice, no I'm really happy for you, celebrate, please - but that many of you? In transit to celebrate? I don't understand.

Anyway what is more important here is that I think I'm turning into my mom. First off yesterday I go out to Marina del Ray in the afternoon (in the rain thank you) to pick up my computer from FedEx. So I get there and it's totally not there b/c I guess it's with a driver for pickup attempt number 2 and not due back until like 7pm. So I guess I should've read more carefully or some shit like that and it's totally not the guy's fault, but instead I am just a total bitch to him b/c I'm so angry i can't pick up my computer. And then I just storm out. And then I feel REALLY bad but what am I going to do? What is the connection to my mom you ask? She has a nick name sometimes...Mean Jane...she's sweet as pie if she likes you and stuff but you see sometimes she has a tendency to be a leeeetttlee bit nasty when she's irritated. So don't ever irritate her. Anyway, the move y-day, totally mean jane-esque. (oh for the record, I did pick up the laptop today and I apologized to the guy and he was very nice and then we bonded over my Le Tigre vest)

Continuing on with the theme. So then tonight I'm putting on my lipstick and what is it? Chanel red - Russet Moon to be exact. Jane is a red lipstick wearer and I have always hated red lipstick and found it so unbecoming, but I have now worn red two nights in a row and enjoyed it thank you - and the thing is...among Jane's extensive collection of reds, Chanel Russet Moon was jane-ism number 2.

And, recently I bought a new perfume and I chose Clean Provence which is totally not Jane, but I very very almost bought Shalimar which is TOTALLY jane and hence, three similarities, all realized very very close together, hence I am becoming my mother. Yikes!

anyway moving I just got home from dinner w/ Freddie and her parents (where my 2 favorite quotes of the evening from Mr. Freddie include: "I always wanted Katie to go to Westpoint" (if you know KFreds at all you totally are laughing right now and furthermore I just want to note I called her KFreds whcih is most simliar to KFed which is very very funny) and #2="You can't have ice cream with carrot cake. You definitely cannot. That should be illegal.") Only funny b/c it's funny to think anything to do with cake or ice cream would be illegal. Now, having said that, I am home and trying to make my computer work.

It's not. I'm on the loaner trying to work my newly returned HPiece of Shit which is NOT functioning. And you know what I had to do to it tonight? I had to put the hard drive back into it. I had to use a veggie peeler to unscrew the HD from it's external casing and then figure out to re-insert it. That could be why it's not working. But that does not make sense b/c all my files are coming up properly, it's just not working right. What the f. After all that hardware installation by me, and I def don't DO hardware installation work yet alone things that involve screwdrivers very often, and still no functioning laptop.

So then, I'll leave you with this. Last night on my way home from Hwood (saw Wicked which I loved but maybe that is b/c I adored the book and the original movie is in my list of top 3 fav movies of all time) I saw the following as a topic of discussion at a church: "Black Gay Men and Crystal Meth." Really? Does this constitute a topic of urgency? My that is niche. So niche. Dont' you think? Contemplate. Now then, my computer is still not working. Guess I'll have the pleasure of waking up, putting on my Russet Moon in the morning, calling HP, and being a tot. bitch to the outsourced tech dude that has the pleasure of speaking with me about my non-funcioning laptop. Better get a good night sleep before I do that...

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