Friday, February 16, 2007

Make This It Tastes Good

Read this:
Weird, right? Thanks Winnie. I get the hiccups a lot you know. But the thing is when I get them I only get like one or maybe three at a time then they go away. No one ever knows what they are. Lots of times people say "bless you" after I hiccup. This is all irrelevant, but shit, can you imagine if u the hiccups for like 28 years at a rate of like 50 a minute? Or whatever the hell this girl is going through? I can't. Sure would suck.

Can I tell you how perfect today was? SO perfect. Had to be up in time for an 8am presentation, but as the prez was followed by brunch at Jack and Jill's it was a passable engagement. Jack and Jill's btw have I talked about how good that place is btw?? Most likely I have b/c typically if I really really really like restaurant I'll talk it up whenever I get the chance, even if it's not really appropriate or interesting to my audience. Anyway it's pleasant. I followed brunch w/ a little roller blading on the beach w/ Mikey and then returned home to make us some homemade limeades and soak up the remainder of the afternoon sun on my patio. Now kids, you know I cook but I don't think I ever really post recipes here but I am feeling inspired (actually I'm really not at all; I'm waiting for Freds to pick me up and she's taking for f'ing ever so I'm wasting time and writing up a recipe will take up some more time so here we go). Ok detour aside, next time it's really sunny out and you want something refreshing make this (for about 2 glasses):

--Do a simple syrup. 2 parts sugar to 1 part water, bring to rolling boil and cool. (I made 2 cups sugar one cup water and now I have a good amount on hand, it keeps, which is nice as they come in handy for lots of mixed drinks, such as mojitos, which as we know are most delicious)
--Juice about 8 limes and and 2 lemons. Strain.
--In a tall glass filled 1/2 way with ice, add about 4 tblsp simple syrup, then split the citrus juice evening b/t the glasses, and top off w/ seltzer water.
--Add in a couple of thinly sliced strawberries to each glass so it looks pretty.
--swizzle (what a great word). drink.

And Mikey and I discussed how fabulous it would be w/ a bit of vodka added in if you were seeking that sort of pleasure. So def give that whirl if you feel so inclined and if you beat me to the punch on that concoction do let me know how it turns out for you.

For the record, it's Friday. I know I always say this, but I really, really, really, really don't want to start working this summer. Or maybe, like ever. Ok freds is here. I just heard a phone convo she had with someone else who lives in this building as she went to the wrong place. freds, you're an idiot. love you! signing off, ciao!

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