Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Dandelions=You so pretty

Another year, another Valentine's Day. I've done lots of different stuff on VDays of yesteryears. In high school, I recall roses and a date invite from some rando guy (turned him down, the flowers were lovely though). In college, I once had a dinner date at Wendy's followed by an all night study session w/ the bf at the library (can you feel the romance?). In DC I had many a fancy dinner with customized menus (names misspelled), cold food, and terrible service. Last night, I cooked w/ my friend Meg for about 25 of our single friends. No couples welcome. We cooked our asses off and enjoyed ourselves thoroughly and it was a great way to forget that elsewhere in LA couples were feeding each other bites of chocolate mousse and preparing for a night of extended foreplay and forced romantic sentiments. The closest I got was flattering comments about how I look like a 20 or 21 year old from Meg's Australian cousins and his friends...who are...wait for it: 19. I guess a little young.

I did get VDay wishes and homemade cookies from mom though. Bless you Jane.

I did not get any flowers, but I did catch a fantastic segment on the Today Show while at breakfast with Veeve and McB (who was in town for a few) yday. They had a number of elaborate flower arrangements on pedestals throughout the room, and they were analyzing the messages that each arrangement conveys. Friends: if you received flowers yesterday, let me tell you what they meant:

Yellow Flowers: Ouch. Hope you didn't get any of these. Unless you're my mom in which case you've been married for 30+ years and of course you get yellow roses b/c they are your fav. Anyway, if you are not Jane, I hope you don't like the guy too much b/c apparently he is "just not that into you." Sorry charlie. Hope they were pretty though!

Lilacs: First of all, who the f sends lilacs anyway? If you did get some...then...lucky you - "he's falling for you!" Cupid's arrow has struck kiddo.

Orchids: I saw the orchids come up and was like, oh he totally wants to have sex with you. I was dead on. Well it's something similar at least. Orchids = "I want to do stuff with you that we're not supposed to do." How randy!

Anyway, I think this is pretty much the biggest load of bs anyway. Men don't analyze like this do they?? Surely not. Over-analyzing is for women - let alone over-analyzing in connection to gift giving. I think the typical male either: 1) picks up a bunch of roses, red, b/c they are safe, or 2) calls the florist, gives a dollar amount, and says whip up something pretty. Or if you're lucky he knows your fav flower and hence that is what you get. But, regardless, I did find these flowers=message exercise highly entertaining. Ciao bellas. I'm out.

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