Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Why I Do NOT live in Indiana

Seriously, how cute does Jack B look playing in the 16 inches of snow that fell in IN last week? I think he must be the most beautifulest dog in the world, but that's just my biased opinion, so don't let it sway you...but I mean, seriously, come on.

Anyway, yeah, so 16 inches of snow. It was like 20 below with the wind chill. Or something really close to that. Jack B - the snow looks good on it, and you can have it. Sheesh. You could lost in all that white fluff.

That said, this morning, while eating my fav breakfast which in case you didn't know is an English muffin (wheat) w/ cottage cheese, tomato, and Tabasco sauce, I got all smiley and realized that wow, I really did have a lovely weekend indeed. I rollerbladed, I hiked, I ate out, I went out, I cooked, I slept, etc. etc.

Oh there was also Friday night, but the thing is I can't really write about that b/c if I did I'd have to cut out the parts that you'd actually want to read anyway and then what'd be the use b/c it'd just be me being all like, "oh Friday night was crazy!" but you'd read it and be all like "wow, I'm sure it was crazy but you're just not giving me anything to work with here."

But anyway: I leave you with a question. Let's say, hypothetically, that you're at dinner, it's a fairly nice restaurant, but despite this fact, it has those paper table cloths and a small glass dish of colored pencils on it. And let's say you draw something harmless, say, your name with a heard around it, b/c you're 10. And then let's say your friend starts drawing penises all over the table. What is your reaction? Are you embarrassed? Do you yell at the busboy to "leave it!" when he tries to take away the plate covering the penis? Do you ask the two guys at the next table what they'd do in your situation only to have them laugh and then to have your friend laugh back and gesture wildly, knocking over her wine glass? This is all hypothetical of course, but I just wondered what you'd do in this situation.

Or how about this one. You're at a bar. And this dude comes up to you and apparently knows you and says he met you at a party over the summer. And then you realize who he is. Would you say to him: "Oh, yes, I remember you! You asked for my phone number and then never called!" Would you do this? I did. Seriously jerk boy. Why are you bothering to come talk to me at all? Is there a point? I think not.

So, that was random, but thing is, the Real Desperate Housewives of OC is on right now thanks to Veeve and I think it makes me random and perhaps just dumb in general, so I blame Veeve for the randomness and/or dumbness of this entry. Yes, that's what I think. My brain is turning to mush. Before that happens, I'm heading off to bed. night.

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