Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Foozeball Sux and Other Random Thoughts

I think I have been working all day long. No seriously. I had class, and then I read, and then I had a meeting, and then I debated biz law for a few hours w/ my lovely biz law group, and then I worked on some biz plan development. I don't think I've done so much school work in a single day all year, so that's quite an accomplishment I'd say.

But anyway, my "reading" after class was hampered by two things. One was Doempke, that force of nature, who spent nearly an hour on a couch in the student lounge harassing me, much of the harassment focused on him letting me know how small my boobs are. And, hey, I already know this. The second was f'in foozball. Did I spell that right? Did I ever mention I won the spelling bee in 8th grade? B/c I totally did. Stan called me a nerd for that today, but hey, no effort kids, I could just spell shit at age 13!

Anyway, yes, foozball. I was in the student lounge, as I mentioned, and pre-Doempke, I settled in on a couch, plugged into my iPod, grabbed my highlighter, and hit up the biz law text for some good old contract law. And then the racquet started when these two losedawgs started to play foozeball. Do you know how loud that stupid game is? It belongs in a bar. Or maybe, a game room. But not in the lounge! No! Not in the lounge. I figure the couches are in there for a reason: mostly so I can have a place to recline in comfort while reading. And it's really hard to concentrate when people are foozing. Anyway, I just wanted to bitch about that.

Last thought of the evening. I wore shorts with leggings today. Yes, I said that. Yes, I wore that. It tied together quite well actually. Black leggings, camo print (they are super cute I promise) shorts, white tank w/ black top over it. Cute. But I got at least 4 very obvi sidelong glances, mostly from guys. I don't get it. When I pull skirts w/ leggings no one sidelongs me. So why knock the shorts? The leggings keep my kneesies warm!

Finally: Sad sad news. The landlady vetoed my dog request. I told her it's ok cuz the Veeve already vetoed me anyway. Sigh. When will I get my Kirby?? Alright, I'm out on that. Night.

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