Saturday, October 28, 2006

No Limitations to Drunk Communications

Yesterday morning I woke up at 10am to get ready for a business-y lunch thing at Palomino. It really was a prime morning for wearing business casual and having inspirational discussion, considering that I had been a drink-swilling, three blind mouse ass the night before who ended her night at 3am w/ a Burrito from Benitos. But anyway, I sat down to rattle off a few emails before heading out and there was a message from Mark: "Ok, so what don't you get?" And it sounded kind of mean and I had no clue what he was talking about and I was like, "what the hell, I don't know, what are you talking about?" Wait, that was my internal monologue.

So then I looked at my away message and saw that it said "I just don't get it." But the thing is, I have no idea why I typed that or what it meant. I don't remember typing it either. All I could come up w/ is that in an inebriate state, I must have logged into Gmail at 3am and typed that away message...but I would still really like to know what I didn't get. Hmm. So, I told Mark. And he was like, "So, first drunk dialing, then drunk texting...and now you are leaving drunk away messages?" Yes. That is apparenlty what I've come to. I guess drunk MySpace messages will have to be next. Hmmm.

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