Monday, October 23, 2006

Well Hello Mr. Moan-y Pants.

Ok first of all I wondered if there was some sort of joke related to syrup or pumpkins at Starbucks. You see, I am out of coffee, and needed my fix this morning, so I hit up the 4Bucks (I know this joke is so old but I'm corny). I got a pumpkin latte b/c I L-O-V-E them (I also know their coffee sux but this drink is off the chain). And I placed my order: grande 2% pumpkin latte, light on the syrup. And the register guy said it out loud to his fellow barist-O and then they both laughed hysterically, at the light on the syrup part. Is this funny? Is this a joke? I don't get it.

Anyway, more importantly, I feel like I always take away these observations from yoga, but I can't help it, there are just lots of silly things and people in yoga that make me laugh and stuff. (oh ps, the instructor patted my hips and said good job honey at the end of the session while we were in resting position. that made my day. i'm not gonna lie). Anyway, so I go w/ a gay friend, and we're sitting there chilling before class, and this shirtless guy walks in, and he is H-O-T. He's a virtual adonnis. He's rapturous. You get it? And my friend is like, "Oh, now I totally see why you come to yoga here." And he sits like right in front and to the left of us, so we're all joking about falling off balance while staring at Mr. Hot Guy.

But then we discover he's a total moaner. Yoga: all about the deep breathing and stuff, this "ocean-sounding breath" or whatever. Ok, breathing, good, I like. But some people go totally over the edge and they are all like totally doing weird moany random breathing for a whole 1.5 hours and it's just weird, no other way to put it, it's just f'in weird. It's such a turn-off. By the end of class Mr. Hot Guy had dropped from like an 11 (on a scale of 1-10, with 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest...this is the point at which anyone who took my biz plan class survey points out that we failed to use a good scale for our survey but thanks for taking it anyway if you did take it and guys please tell me you still think that $50 is worth something). anyway! I digressed! So, he dropped from an 11 to like a total 4. No shit.

So the lesson is: Don't be a total weird moany breather person in yoga b/c it's weird and scary. The end. Oh PS: I really really really still want that puppy but I need to convince the Veeve that he won't eat our shit and make messy. If you have any ideas or would like to submit a little essay of sorts to Veeve telling her how responsible I am, plz let me know.

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