Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Please Woman, Find a Better Name

Do you want to know what I now do on Tuesdays and Thursdays? Whatever the f I want to. I have class from 8-9:30, so pretty much, it's like I have no set schedule at all, b/c if I didn't have class I woulnd't be waking up until 9:30 or so anyway, right?

Mind you, this does not equal total free time given that I have over-committed myself to life at Anderson. Oh, on a side note, I'm not as over-committed as some - rumor has it that a classmate's wife had a baby over the summer, and they have named the boy Anderson. Supposedly he just likes the name...I don't buy that for a second. That is mad crazy.

Anyway, so yeah, I have meetings here and there and everywhere and I do have homework, but I'm fairly certain that I'll be able to have completely free three day weekends thanks to this schedule. But, given that it's the first week of class and assignments haven't picked up that much yet, other than a 2pm apt and a 6pm meeting, I've spent the day running errands, rollerblading, and emailing (work-related kind of emails, I swear I do have some value in life).

So, while getting dressed just now after my leisurely 4pm shower, I heard on the news that a celeb fitness instructor is bringing pilates to the masses, to people that cannot afford like $100/hour or some crazy shit like that. You know what she's calling this??? "Pilates in the Hood." Seriously, not a joke.

The concept is great, right? LOve it. But the name? You must be shitting me. Does anyone else find this insulting? It's like, ok, I live in the hood, I guess I know I live in the hood. But when I go to my local boys and girls club or whatever to work it out, do I need to be like, "Excuse me, miss, I'm hear for Pilates. Pilates in the Hood, that is. Because, you know, we live in the hood." Do I really need a reminder of my living conditions when I go to exercise? My yoga class is pretty much in a yuppy-ish area, but do I go to "Yoga in Yuppyvile?" I don't! Do you shop at the "Grocery in the Rich Part of Town?" No? Not surprised. So anyway, I think this is weird.

Two last things: Newman, do you see I've added your link??? Just for you babes!!! And...I know need to leave for a meeting in Brentwood. The prez (Bushy) has just landed in LA and is apparently (yes, I mean right now, at 5:15pm) en route up Sunset Blvd to his destination. I'm taking bets on how many hours it will take me to travel less than 10 miles in this town. Seriously, I am. Taking bets. The end.

1 comment:

Michael Newman said...

Thanks for the link! I was just bustin your chops anyways.

I'm off to go do some weightlifting in the hood.