Monday, October 16, 2006

Yo, Put Your Phone Away.

I just got home from school. Want to know what I spent my last 1/2 hour there doing? I was playing a mailbox drinking game. It's kind of complicated...but had 10 seconds to put 3 fliers into three different mailboxes. You see, there are a lot of crazy names out there, like, Onkowidgjaja (did I spell that right????) and it's hard to find the boxes when you've been drinking wine. So then, if you got your fliers in the boxes in time, you won. If not, you lose. And you drink. Shit dawg, don't make fun of me, it was a first year game.

Anyway. Let's talk about this guy who sits near me in one of my classes. You see? I'm staying classy here, I'm not saying a name, not saying where he sits, not saying what class. I'm just telling the story. It's not really a story actually. It's just a fun fact. If that. Pretty much I just find this guy's habit really irritating and am thusly writing about it.

So let's see. It's class number 5 and this kid continues w/ the same weird habit. He has this Nokia phone, it's silver, it's a slider (kinda neat). And he plays with it like ALL CLASS. Plays with it is not the right word. He fondles it. Yes, he sits for 1.5 hours and fondles his silver phone. He slides the slide piece up and down, he stares at the picture, he wipes the face grease off the screen, he pulls the back off the phone, etc. etc. Whatever. I don't really care what he's doing to it, the fact of the matter is that for the entire 1.5 hours, the phone leaves his fingers for maybe 5 minutes. The other 85 minutes it's in his hands, being fondled. And it's weird. And for some reason it's incredibly distracting. Today I leaned over to my friend beside me (No! I will NOT tell you who!) and was like "Dude why does this guy always fondle his phone???")

There is no point at all to me telling you this; I just find it incredibly odd and more than a little irritating and wanted to bring it to your attention. So, I've accomplished that now. Since this is one thing I can say I accomplished today, I have no issues with going to bed. So, I am going to brush my teeth (b/c, Mark, I typically do brush my teeth) and go to bed. The end.

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