Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Eau de Jami

On Sunday night, just after leaving dinner, I received a call from my friend Erin, previously from DC now a San Diego resident. Apparently she was in town to help her brother settle his new apartment and have a 24 hour reunion with some college friends. She was supposed to stay w/ her brother that night, but he failed to have furniture for her to sleep on, and her other option was staying with his girlfriend Coco’s parents for the night. I guess that Coco has somewhat atrocious parents, and one dinner at their v. exclusive beach club was all she could handle. Again, her name is Coco.

Anyway, so Erin spent the night. The next morning, before my third brunch of the weekend, Erin, Veeve, and I were discussing Erin’s friend Lauren who I knew in DC. I guess Lauren finally broke up with her boyfriend Jim, who Erin could never stand, but the real kicker is that during their last weeks of turmoil he started to hit heavily on our friend Jami. Jami is a good friend of Veeve and mine from Wake, and the thing about her is that she attracts men like flies to honey.

Now, Jami is great – she is pretty, she has a great personality, she’s wicked smart – and she does have amazing boobs. But we have a lot of friends that fit this description (as flat as I am, I do have a lot of girlfriends with very large breasts).

Erin, Veeve, and I started to talk about something, and it’s not the first time our friends have discussed this – what exactly is it about Jami that makes the men flock to her? Seriously, in school, she was NEVER w/out a man, in DC I had several friends fall for her, it just happens all the time, and I don’t care what you boys will say, it cannot just be her bodacious ta-tas. I think that is has to be pheromones. And I think that I could seriously make a lot of $$$ if I could figure out how to reproduce and bottle Jami J pheromones, and call it Eau de Jami, or Essence of Jami, or something like that. I’ve been saying lately that I don’t think I’m cut out for a standard office job and that I really need to own my business, and I think I might have an idea. Now, how to go operational…Food for thought.

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