Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Jack Bauer, that Furry Little Bugger

My doggy passed away this past winter. Jakey was our second golden retriever and indeed a great dog. Dick and Jane swore they would never again own another pup, but of course they soon will. Who would Jane talk to in the morning if they didn’t? So they went scouting and have been waiting for several months now for the lil guy to be born. Several weeks ago the litter bearing their soon to be new arrival was born, and by mid-August the Linderman house will once again have a furry little bundle running around it. Check out the pics of these silly little guys.

I asked my Dad the other day what they plan to name him. Verdict is in and they are calling him Jack. I thought this was in homage to Jake. You know, cuz Jake, Jack, pretty similar.

No, it’s not. Dick and Jane are obsessed w/ that damn show 24, and they are actually naming their new puppy after Jack Bauer. I am kind of embarrassed, kind of amused, obvi not embarrassed enough to not post it to the Internet.

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