Monday, July 24, 2006

A Trip to Idiot Island

I flatironed my hair this morning. This is at best a once/week occurrence. And all for what – for nothing, b/c the hair is up my friends. The AC on floor three (my floor) of our building is broken and it’s f’in 98 degrees in here just like the boy band. If you know me you know I already have a core body temp that threatens spontaneous combustion anyway, so this is really quite unbearable and I think I may faint. I am wilting. I am intensely unhappy and they can’t make me work in these conditions.

Anyway. While working is out of the question for the time being, I think I may be able to do stuff such as recap some weekend thoughts. Let’s start w/ Sunday night, Thievery Corporation concert at the Hollywood Bowl, joined by Flaming Lips and Os Mutantes (this trippy Brazilian Band). Great concert. I guess those crazy Lips were filming bits for some video they are making so they wanted it to be super special fantastic, as evidenced by them telling us to “Go Crazy” or “Go F** Nuts” before every song. That got old. Anyway, cuz of that, they passed all these glowsticks out to the audience so we’d do Nuts stuff like make big chains out of them or throw them in the air (ps that is dangerous!!!! I bet someone got their eye poked out!!). Or just wear them on various body parts.

You know I used to be able to fit one of those tubes around my waist when I was like 13? No joke. Why 13 you ask? B/c that brings me back to Bar/Bat Mitzvah days and no celebration was complete w/out glowsticks. B/t the ages of 12 and 13 Dick and Jane were fortunate enough to have immediate access to glowsticks 24/7, b/t for some reason it was cool to hold onto these things and maintain their glow by storing them in the freezer. So we had like tons of those things hidden in with the frozen spaghetti sauce and Schwan Man ice cream. Those were the days.

Oh can I mention a tee shirt I saw on some guy last night? It said: “Your village called. It wants its idiot back.” It was funny b/c the guy wearing it comes over to find his seat and then goes to his girlfriend, “Umm, I think are seats are actually over there” and points to somewhere pretty much all the way across and down…and the Bowl is big… Also reminded me of this one Sex and the City quote that I’m quite fond of (Mare, Mibs this one’s for you…and Mare…this quote can take the place of the lovely picture of you I received from Jami on Saturday night…): “Every day with my wife is like a trip to idiot island.” Don’t tell me you’re not laughing and that’s not funny, b/c it is.

In closing, while the weekend was good and included among other things a glorious as usual meal at Jiraffe and a lovely albeit very hot hike, the other highlight was my afternoon of retail therapy with my lovely brunch club ladies. I have to say that I think I found what could be the most perfect dress in the universe, not every kidding, along with these Marc Jacobs shoes that are simply divine and I smile just thinking about them. So, as I’m smiling right now I think I’ll attempt to do work or something but I don’t that will happen b/c I think I’m starting to sweat. Eww. I’d rather be on idiot island right now.

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