Thursday, July 06, 2006

Just Thinking

Some random thoughts. So, first – names of people in my office. There is this one woman named Pixie Wick. How many times do you think she has been called Pixie Sticks? That would get really old. There is another woman named Lady. I don’t really have anything to say about that, but really, her name is Lady. That is worse than Coco. And, to continue this tangent, speaking of Lady, I was in a meeting this morning (me and about 10 guys) and I was referred to as a girl. Seriously, I am no girl, I am def a woman at the ripe age of 25. And last office thought…a fellow intern asked me if I’m on MySpace at lunch today (no, I’m not). But I did say I was on Friendster. And then I realized that I had a link to my blog on Friendster. So I flipped out that someone might look me up on Friendster, then go to my blog, and then I may write about coworkers and get in trouble, so I quickly logged into Friendster at work just to avoid any run-ins. Phew. How much do I over-analyze?

Final thought of the day. Veeve went on a date last night w/ some kid she met at her recent conference of Neurosciency people. I guess he’s quite hot and pretty much perfect, and as she thinks he’s def too hot to actually be a good guy, she refers to him as trouble. This makes me laugh. Then she can say stuff like “I Love Trouble.”

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