Wednesday, August 02, 2006

And You Would Be...

For work I've been calling all sorts of people. Hotel people, architects, designers, plumbers, sales people, etc. etc. etc. Kind of cold calling. LIke, "hi, I'm an intern. Want to help me with my project?" Except much more formally and politely and all of that stuff. And of course I have this delightful color-coded tracking spreadsheet set up on Excel so I know who's who and when I talked to them and whatnot.

And when I leave VMs, most them actually call me back! Which is nice. But sometimes, like, say, just now, my phone rings, and I see a random area code and number, and my heart flutters, b/c I know I'm going to pick up and there will be someone there and they will say their name and I'm like great, who the f are you? Like just now. When Kevin called. And I'm like, "Oh, hello Kevin! So good to hear from you! Thanks for getting back to me!" And for a good 30 seconds I'm thinking, "Kevin. Kevin. Who are you Kevin? What do you do? What do I want to ask you?"

It clicked, eventually, but I'm sure that for a bit I sounded like a total idiot. I hate that! I am getting so bad with names. You know I walked past this woman Robi today and I've only known her now for like 6 weeks but for a minute I totally blanked her name. Is it transparent when someone says to you, "Hi (insert your name here!)" And you just say "Oh hey! What's Up?" back to them? Does that person know that you didn't address them by name cuz you had a temporary brain fart? I always feel like they know. I could keep going on with this subject b/c in my opinion there are many related issues, like when you are with a friend and you run into someone else you know and you need to intro the friend, but you have forgotten the other person's name. Bad!!! But, b/c it's nearly 5pm, I am done. So, ta ta! The end.

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