Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Well Damn

Umm, I think I’m finally reaching the end of my rope here in the OC. I am running out of ways to entertain myself during the week, and last night I did something I always said I wouldn’t do: I created a MySpace page. Sigh. It is a work in progress; right now it has content and pics but I have yet to actually friends on that thing yet. That will be step 2 and most likely a mini project for this evening.

But, as cynical as I was about MySpace (b/c, my sentiments on that thing are like my sentiments toward Friendster or whatever, what the f’ is the point of it), I have to give it a big thank you b/c in less than 24 hours of officially creating MY “space,” I already received a return on my time investment in the form of a message that gave me a Wed morning giggle. I received notice via my gmail account that one “Blake” had sent me a message entitled “Well Damn.” The content:

“Look who the hell it is, the soup kitchen quad streaking pi phi.”

I think that Blake was a football player two years my junior that I met through Frou (and maybe he was at the soup kitchen w/ me? I don’t know), and I can honestly say I have no idea how he found me nor do I have any idea how he remembered these three very important details re: my time as a Demon Deacon. And I don’t really care b/c that is some funny shit. Well I doubt it’s funny to you, but I’m personally remembering my time at the soup kitchen (I was there out of the goodness of my heart!!!) and the time…well never mind…no need to get bogged down in details.

Oh PS: just talked to Frou. Asked her if she remembered Blake. Took her second, then she was like, “sophomore football player? Blakey?” So I was right about that. Although didn’t remember that we called the kid Blakey. I’m sure he just loved that. Why do I add an “y” to the end of everything? Seriously. I do.

Anyway, so, yeah, this MySpace thing. If I continue to get entertainment like this out of this, then maybe it actually is worth signing onto. And oh it’s also cool if you want to like make up an alias and send me totally random messages to make me laugh. No, seriously, come on, I still have 11 days left here.

Alright, I’m out. I’ll leave you with one completely unrelated tid-bit. Yesterday, when turning into work I passed Drew, the 19 year old intern that we affectionately call Freshy, who rides a skateboard to work so I’ve taken to calling him Skateboard P, even though he sure ain’t no Pharrell who I’d have babies with in a heartbeat but hey I’m digressing. Then I passed by him at his desk in the morning and he had a big bandage around his elbow. I was like yo Drew what happened. He told me that had I driven past 30 seconds later I would know – I guess the poor kid took a spill on his board right there on the sidewalk in front of B&D. Who knew the morning commute could be so hazardous?

I hate to say this, but it was kinda funny. Brian laughed. Now you think I’m really mean. I’m not though. I just occasionally get a laugh out of others’ misfortunes, but I’ve said that before. Anyway, I’m not a terrible person. Love you! The end.

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