Thursday, August 03, 2006

Oh, Silly Memories

I have very sensitive ears and certain sounds tend to give me the heebs, no joke. Obvi, no on likes nails on a chalkboard. Other things I hate include the sound that manicure people make when they buff your nails (so I tell them now, “no buff please”), and the sound of sweeping on pavement (like when you’re cleaning out a garage). But why I am talking about this?

B/c I am this close to grabbing this chick standing in my cube area using the damn paper cutter and being like, “yo, seriously, go cut your paper somewhere else cuz you’re killing me here.” It makes this dreadful squeaky noise when you bring the arm up and then this awful icky indescribable noise when it cuts the paper. Ok thank G_d! Good karma! I wrote about it, and it stopped! Maybe this would work for other things…no… probably not.

Anyway, I was just IM’ing w/ Sauj. I think she’s actually doing work today. She’s researching about some sex doctor or something. She noted something about organisms. Yes she typed organisms, not orgasms. And this made me giggle, cuz I was reminded of this one time in seventh grade when I was giving an oral report on organisms and afterward, my teacher pulled me aside, and was like, “Umm, during your report, you used the word ‘orgasm’ instead of ‘organism.’” I don’t think I knew what the former was, but I knew it was bad, and I think I turned mad red. Kind of also like when during a game of Scattegories when I was little and the letter was “h” and the description was “adjective” and when they (they being my parents and my aunt and uncle) got to me my answer was “horny.” Giggling. “Do you know that means?” Of course I did! My response: “Yeah! Like, happy, or excited.” More giggling. “Yes, I guess that’s right…”

I don’t really have much else to offer on this topic, so I will leave you with a thought that will hopefully make you giggle cuz I get to giggle and it’s only fair if you do, too. Anyway, here you go. I was in the car last weekend w/ Sean and the new Paris Hilton song comes on and I’m like “Oh it’s the new Paris Hilton song! I love this!” And I turn it up. But I do so to be irritating cuz I’m waiting for him to fume and be like “turn this shit off.” But instead, he’s like “I do too! I do! I love it!” So, umm, Sean loves the new Paris Hilton song. If you know Sean, wow, this is tremendously funny, and you should laugh. The end.

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